Period: 27 BCE to 14
The era of Augustus’ reign is a golden age for rome. Augustus restored peace and took great personal concern in the arts and was a personal patron of many artists. He passed many reforming laws and offered tax incentives to families that have difficulties. (Mark 1)
(Green) In conclusion, augustus was a really good emperor, improved rome a lot and organized well. He was also one of the iconic good emperors in roman history. -
Period: 14 to 37
Tiberius’ first few years as emperor went pretty well. Yet the death of Germanicus changed Tiberius’ personality, he became cruel.He would often pretend to pity those poor he had punished while he maintained a grudge to people he pardoned. (Wasson 1)
(Yellow) Tiberius is supposed to be a good emperor, yet after a while in his reign he started to get corrupted and turned into one of the worst emperor in roman history. -
Period: 41 to 54
Claudius proved to be an efficient emperor. He brought a certain amount of peace for the roman kingdom. He built harbors and helped people out with corns when they were starving. Yet he was easily angered and quite merciless. (Mark 1)
(Yellow) Claudius is a good emperor overall, yet he is quite easy to get pissed, also he does not have a lot to mercy on other that has offend him. Which makes him marked yellow, but not green. -
Period: 54 to 68
Nero’s fourteen year reign shows the decadent about the Roman Kingdom at that period. He was self-indulgent, cruel and violent. Who was then committed suicide. (Wasson 1)
(Red) Nero was an perfect model bad emperor, he is violent, merciless, fatuous, and he accomplished almost nothing. -
Period: 69 to 79
After Vespasian became emperor, he was well endowed by the people and Rome became peace and calm again. He rebuilt some buildings and restored the morale for his army. (Wasson 1)
(Green) What Vespasian mainly done is he restored order for roman kingdom after war. And he ave done a pretty well job on it. Which is why I rated him green. -
Period: 79 to 81
Titus has a really short reign, yet he was considered a kind emperor.
He was a frugal person, yet he helped out the community in several ways.
During his reign, he solved three major disaster happened in Rome including volcano eruption and plague. (Wasson 1)
(Green) Titus has done many good work for the Roman Empire, at first people think he was too strict, yet after he solved three disasters that happend in a row. People adored him a lot. -
Period: 96 to 98
Nerva brought stability after the turbulent successions of his predecessors. Also lowered the tex rate.
Helped establish the foundations for a new golden era, and was one of the 5 good emperor of rome.
Chose a good successor to continue the golden age of Rome. (Wasson 1)
(Green) Good Emperor, he have done a lot of pass down the golden time for Rome Empire. -
Period: 98 to 117
He benefitted the populace such as improving the dilapidated road system
He won three major conflicts against the Dacians, and this resulted in Rome reaching it’s greatest size.
Cared for his people a lot, and at the same time sustained order and peace for Rome. (Wasson 1)
(Green) He have done a lot of beneficial things war-wise at the start of his reign, this expanded the terrain of Roman Empire. Therefor he is a good emperor in the perspective of the people in rome. -
Period: 117 to 138
Hadrian spent most of his reign traveling all over the Empire visiting the provinces and checking his people. This makes him understand his people a lot.
Built the Hadrian Wall. (Mark 1)
(Green) He is a brilliant administrator, he concerned about his people very much. Visiting provinces and checking on his people's lives means he is a good emperor that cared about how well is his citizens doing. -
Period: 138 to 161
Antoninus Pius
Antoninus has collaborated well with the Senatus on several works during his reign. He respected Hadrian a lot, which makes study the form of Hadrian’s work. During his reign, the Roman kingdom has experienced it’s most brilliant time. He has done many things on all different aspects. Such as improving the laws and changing the taxes. (Mark 1)
(Green) Antoninus Pius proved to be a capable and dedicated emperor -
Period: 161 to 180
Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius is the last of the five good emperors. He is a really peaceful person who has a special interest on philosophy. Also, he has done a really significant job on diplomacy with other countries. (Mark 1)
(Green) He is a good emperor who has done many important job for the roman kingdom. -
Period: 180 to 192
Commodus is a disappointment to his father Marcus Aurelius. Although he had enjoyed the high quality of education, Commodus inherited none of his father’s work ethics. His lack of concern for political matters together with his life of leisure brought a reign of terror. (Wasson 1)
(Red) A bad emperor who brought rome into a situation of civil war -
Period: 284 to 306
Diocletian 1
The main thing Diocletian did is he created and carry out the ruling form of Tetrarchy. Which means 4 emperors ruling 4 different areas. For he believes a kingdom of the size of Rome is too overwhelming for any individual to rule properly by themselves, every emperor should leave their throne after 20 years. -
Period: 284 to 305
Diocletian 2
This idea worked out greatly at first. Yet after Diocletian left his throne, it soon started to collapse. Because there are multiple leaders, after Diocletian stopped being an emperor, the other emperors started to get into conflicts. Also, because there are 4 leaders at the same time, the political budgets are spent quickly. Which Diocletian have to settle by himself. -
Period: 284 to 305
Diocletian 3
In conclusion, Diocletian is a good emperor that settled the tumultuous empire at that time. Although his way of ruling did not work out after he left, he still did significant job for the rome empire. His ways of ruling also have inspired Constantine, who is the next emperor. -
Period: 307 to 337
The first thing Constantine did was to abolish Tetrarchy. He separated different sections and areas for the rome military. He also allowed his people to have freedom in religious believes.
(Yellow) Overall, Constantine was a good emperor who was inspired by Diocletian’s way of ruling the country, also solving some problems Diocletian have made. Though he was proven to be very merciless and doesn’t often tolerate with crimes. He still did a fairly good job on organizing the Rome Empire.