By elsmar
  • Period: 800 BCE to 476

    The Origin of Rome

    Ancient Rome had a very long history. It spanned over 1,000 years, from the founding of the city in the 8th century BC to the fall of the Empire in 476 AD. This history can be divided into the following periods:
    Monarchy, Republic and Empire
  • Period: 800 BCE to 476

    Monarchy, Republic and Empire

    Rome was governed by kings of Latin and Etruscan origin. 8th-6th century BC
    Rome expanded around the Mediterranean, from the Iberian Peninsula to the Near East provinces. 6th-1st century BC
    Augustus was the first Roman emperor. Rome reached its greatest territorial extent. The Empire began to decline in the 3rd century AD. 1st century BC-5th century AD
  • 771 BCE

    The founding of the city

    The founding of the city
    Rome was founded by the brothers Remulus and Remus. They were raised by wolves, and as adults, the two brothers had an argumnet wich endeed in Rumulus´ defeat of Remus and the founding of Rome
  • 700 BCE

    Monarchy, Republic and Empire

    Monarchy, Republic and Empire
    .... up to 400 AD
    Rome was governed by kings of Latin and Etruscan origin. 8th-6th century BC
    The Roman Republic was a political system which lasted five centuries. After the kings were expelled, power was held by the patricians, the heads of the leading families.
    Augustus was the first Roman emperor. Rome reached its greatest territorial extent. The Empire began to decline in the 3rd century AD. 1st century BC-5th century AD
  • 500 BCE

    The Monarchy

    The Monarchy
    Rome took the form of a city-state. They were supported by two institutions:
    The Senate, made uo of the heads of the city´s most powerful families.
    The comitia was made up of the rest of the citizens. They voted to choose the monarch and the senators.
  • 500 BCE

    The Origin of Rome

    The Origin of Rome
    Ancient Rome had a very long history. It spanned over 1,000 years, from the founding of the city in the 8th century BC to the fall of the Empire in 476 AD. This history can be divided into the following periods:
    Monarchy, Republic and Empire
  • 400 BCE

    Mediterranean Expansion

    Mediterranean Expansion
    ... up to 3rd century BC:
    Rome defeated all the remaining peoples of the Italian Peninsula.
    They began their conquest of the Western Mediterranean.
    3rd-2nd century BC:
    Then Rome expanded into the Eastern Mediterranean, defeating the Greeks and Macedonians.
    1st century BC:
    The Mediterranean became the Roman Mare Nostrum. Finally, the romans succeeded in occupying other parts of Europe.
  • Period: 100 BCE to 71 BCE

    From the Republic to the Empire. The consequences of expansion

    Their Mediterranean conquest brought the Romans money,slaves and land, but caused instability in the Republic. It caused social revolts:
    Plebeian revolts. In the 2ndcentury BC, tribunes of the plebs, attempted to implement reforms to help the most disadvantaged citizens.
    The Slave rebellion. It was led by Spartacus, a gladiator who fought to end slavery.
  • 1 CE

    Roman Economy

    Roman Economy
    Agriculture was the most important activity.
    ·Livestock farming was essential, but raising horses was crucial because they were used by the army.
    ·Mining was among the economic activities that brought the greatest prosperity.
    ·Artisanal activity also became very important, with workshops run by free men and slave labour.
    ·Trade also developed, especially during the Pax Romana.
  • 71

    From the Republic to the Empire. The consequences of expansion

    From the Republic to the Empire. The consequences of expansion
    Started in the 2nd century
    Their Mediterranean conquest brought the Romans money,slaves and land, but caused instability in the Republic. It caused social revolts:
    Plebeian revolts. In the 2ndcentury BC, tribunes of the plebs, attempted to implement reforms to help the most disadvantaged citizens.
    The Slave rebellion. It was led by Spartacus, a gladiator who fought to end slavery.
  • 100

    From the Republic to the Empire. The Pax Romana

    From the Republic to the Empire. The Pax Romana
    The Empire experienced a time of peace and stability, reaching its greatest territorial extent. This period is known as the Pax Romana.
    ·The territory was organised into provinces.
    ·Roman customs, religion, laws, language and way of life were introduced into the conquered territories
  • Period: 100 to 200

    From the Republic to the Empire. The Pax Romana

    The Empire experienced a time of peace and stability, reaching its greatest territorial extent. This period is known as the Pax Romana.
    ·The territory was organised into provinces.
    ·Roman customs, religion, laws, language and way of life were introduced into the conquered territories
  • Period: 395 to 476

    The fall of the Empire

    After the Pax Romana, the stability of the Empire was discrupted when Rome faced a series of military, political, economic and social problems.
    ·The amount of slave labour decreased, causing a drop in production.
    ·Rome had to raise taxes to mantein its revenue, worsening the situation.
    ·It also had political effects
  • Period: 395 to 476

    Chronology of the fall of the Empire

    Division of the Empire:
    Emperor Theodosius decided to divide the Empire between his two sons: Honorius and Arcadius
    Arrival of the Visigoths:
    The Visigoths were able to cross the limes and ransack Rome
    The fall of Rome:
    The Heruli overthrew Romulus Augustus, the last Roman emperor in the West
  • 476

    The fall of the Empire

    The fall of the Empire
    From the 395 AD to the....
    After the Pax Romana, the stability of the Empire was discrupted when Rome faced a series of military, political, economic and social problems.
    ·The amount of slave labour decreased, causing a drop in production.
    ·Rome had to raise taxes to mantein its revenue, worsening the situation.
    ·It also had political effects
  • 476

    Chronology of the fall of the Empire

    Chronology of the fall of the Empire
    From the 395 AD to the....
    Division of the Empire:
    Emperor Theodosius decided to divide the Empire between his two sons: Honorius and Arcadius
    Arrival of the Visigoths:
    The Visigoths were able to cross the limes and ransack Rome
    The fall of Rome:
    The Heruli overthrew Romulus Augustus, the last Roman emperor in the West