811194 orig


By clasen
  • 771 BCE

    The founding of the city

    The founding of the city
    Rome was founded by the brothers Romulus and Remus who were born in the union of Mars, god of war. They were raised by wolves, and as adults, the two brothers had an argumenrt which ended in Romulus´defeat of Remus and the founding of Rome. According to Etruscans and Latins founded the city in a strategy location near the sea.
  • 500 BCE

    Social evolution

    Social evolution
    From the period of the Monarchy onwards, Roman society was charactrised by social inequality.There were very distinct social groups:
    Conquests of new territories increased number of slaves
    Another social group emerged, knights or equites
    The nobilitas,knights and plebeians had Roman citizenship
    Slaves and Freedmen were not citizens
  • 400 BCE

    Barbarian invasions

    Barbarian invasions
    Up to the 800 d.C. The instability of the Empire made it easier for the barbarians to get past the limes. Several Germanic peoples crossed the border formed by the Rhine and Danube rivers to occupy Roman land.
    The emperors were forced to sign pacts with certain Germanic peoples.
  • 8 BCE

    The origins of Rome

    The origins of Rome
    The city of Rome is located in the middle of the Italian Peninsula. The Romans conquered the territories sourrounding the Mediterranean Sea. The peoples inhabiting these teriitories became part of a common civilisation, whose cultural legacy is still felt today
  • 8 BCE


    Up to 6th century. Rome was governed by kings of Latin and Etruscan origin. It became the most powerful city in its region.
  • 8 BCE

    The Roman Monarchy

    The Roman Monarchy
    Was the first system of government in Rome. During this period, Rome took the form of a city-state. Rome had seven kings. After the reign of Romulus, there were three Sabine kings, three Etruscans kings. The kings were the highest authority in political,military and religious matters. There were two institutions:
    -The Senate, made up of the heads of the city´s
    - The comitia, made up of the rest of the citizens.
    The last king was Lucius Tarquinius Suoerbus.
  • 6 BCE

    The Republic

    The Republic
    It was a politicalsystem which lasted five centuries. After the kings were expelled,power was held by the patricians, the heads of the leading families. To prevent power from being concentrated in the hands of a single person.
    * The magistracies were themain bodies of the government. They were elected each day
    Two consuls (two years), the quaestors, the aediles, the praetors, the censors.
    *The senate was themost important institution.
    *The comitia were made up of free citizens.
  • 6 BCE


    Up to 1st century. Rome expanded around the Mediterranean, from the Iberian Peninsula to the Near East provinces
  • 5 BCE

    Mediterranean expansion

    Mediterranean expansion
    Up to 3rd century. Rome defeat all the remaining people in the Italian Peninsula.
    Once they controlled it, the Romans began their conquest of the western Mediterranean. This led the conflict with Carthage, tghe other great great Mediterranean power, in the Punic Wars.
  • 3 BCE

    Mediterranean expansion

    Mediterranean expansion
    Up to 2nd century. the Punic Wars ended with Carthage´s defeat and the Roman conquest of Sicily,Corsica, North Africa and the most of the Iberian Peninsula. Then Rome expanded into the eastern Mediterranean, defeating the Greeks and Macedonians.
  • 2 BCE

    Consequences of expansion

    Consequences of expansion
    The Mediteranean conquests brought the Romans money,slaves and land.However this caused instability in the Republic.
    - Plebeian revolts.2nd century BC,the Gracchus brothers,tribunes of the plebs.They were assassinated.
    -Slaves rebelion.It was led by Spartacus,a gladiator who fought to end slavery.The rebellion was suppressed in 71 BC.
    Social instability increased the influence of the army and its generals, giving way to a period of civil wars.
  • 1 BCE

    Crisis of the 1st century BC

    Crisis of the 1st century BC
    The Republic was weakened, leading to the creation of two triumvirates.
    -The first triumvirate:formed by Pompeythe Great,Julius Caesar and Marcus Licinius Crassus.Differences emerged.Julius Caesar,being named dictator in perpetuity.He was assassinated in 44BC
    -The second triumvirate:Formed by the generals Octavian,Marcus Antonius and Marcus Aemilius Lepidus.The victor was Octavian,who proclaimed himself emperor.This brought the Republic to an end and began the Imperial Period
  • 1 BCE


    Up to 5th century AD. Augustus was the first Roman emperor. Rome reached its greatest territorial entent. The Empire began to decline in the 3rd century AD
  • 1 BCE

    Mediterranean expansion

    Mediterranean expansion
    With the subsequent annexation of Syria and Egypt, the Mediterranean became the Roman Mare Nostrum. Finally romans occupied: Gaul, Great Britain and part of Central Europe
  • 1 BCE

    Roman army

    Roman army
    It was made up of free men, who fought from the ages of sixteen to sixty. The army had powerful cavalry, but its true military force was the infantry, which was organised into legions. They were accompained by auxiliary troops made up of foreign mercenaries or those contributed by Rome´s allies.
  • 1 BCE

    The model of the Roman family

    The model of the Roman family
    Women: did not participate inpolitics. they were responsible for taking care of tge children and household tasks.
    Girls: received the same education as boys until adolescence.
    Sons: of wealthy families were educated al home by Greek masters.
    Pater Familias: was the family´s highest authority.
  • 1 CE

    Te Pax Romana

    Te Pax Romana
    • The territory was organised in provinces. These was run by a governor with the help of officials soldiers.
    • Roman customs, religion, laws, language and way of life were introduced into the conquered territories. This process is called Romanisation. In 212, the emperor Caracalla granted Roman citizenship to all free inhabitants of the Empire, who by the time had alredy adopted Roman laws and culture.
  • 1 CE

    Birth and evolution of Christianity

    Birth and evolution of Christianity
    The Romans were polytheists, as they worshipped many gods. As Rome conquered territories and came into contact with new cultures, they incorpored other deities, especially those from Greece.
    Christianity emerged in the 1st century AD in one of the Empire´s southern provinces, Palestine.
    In the year 313, Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, allowing Christians to worship in public. Finally, in the year 380, Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the Empire.
  • 2

    Rome,an economic power

    Rome,an economic power
    Rome enjoyed a very prosperous economy
    -Agriculture was the most important activity. There were some small properties owned by free peasants.
    The conquered areas were exploited economically by Rome.
    -Livestock farming was essential, bt raising horses was crucial
    -Mining was among the economic activities that brought the greatest prosperty.
    -Artisanal activity also became very important, with workshops run by free men and slave labour.
    -Trade also developed, especially during the Pax Romana.
  • 2

    The Roman diet

    The Roman diet
    Diet varied depending on a person´s social class
    Wealthier classes had a rich diet which includeed meat and fish. They held banquets where up to seven dishes might be served, and drank large quantities of wine.
    Poorer classes primarily ate bread, soup and barley or wheat porridge. They were rarely able to get meat or fish
  • 3

    Crisis of the 3rd century

    Crisis of the 3rd century
    A large part of Roman prosperity was the result of territorial expansion.Through its conquests,Rome has appropriated the wealth of the annexed territories.The crisis has consequences
    - The amount of slave labour decreased,causing a drop in pruduction
    -Rome had to raise taxes to maintain its revenue
    -Also had political effects.There was no system of succession in place for the emperor,the generals fought amongst themselves to gain the position, leading to assassinations of emperors and civil wars
  • 395

    Division of the empire

     Division of the empire
    Facing crisis at all levels, Emperor Theodosius decided to divide the Empire between his two sons:
    - Honorius received the western half, with Rome as its capital
    -Arcadius received the eastern half, with Constantinople as its capital
  • 410

    Arrival of the Visigoths

     Arrival of the Visigoths
    However, the division did not improve the situation in the western half of the empire. The Visigoths were able to cross the limes and ransack Rome
  • 476

    Fall of the Empire: The Fall of Rome

    Fall of the Empire: The Fall of Rome
    The Heruli overthrew Romulus Augustulus, the last Roman emperor in the West. For many historians, this event marks the end of Antiquity and the start of the Middle Ages.