Period: Jan 1, 1545 to
Counter Reformation
This was a time period when the Catholic Church was taking measures to prevent the spread of protestantism. The Council of Trent was a major part of this. The reason for the Counter Reformation was, of course, the Protestant reformation. -
Dec 13, 1545
The Council of Trent
Here's a good source. The Council of Trent was a very important event in Catholic Church History. The council was one of the major things done by the Catholic Church to counter the Protestant Reformation. The Council went from December 13 1545 to December 4 1563. In the end, the council had accomplished many things. It reaffirmed traditional Catholic Doctrine. It reformed the corrupt practices of the church. It Revived the Inquisition. Lastly, it published an index of forbidden books. -
Period: to
The Age of Enlightenment
The age of Enlightenment (1640-1740) was a time when people began to look to reason instead of faith. Logic was the main asset for an intellectual. People began to question everything, including the church. The church’s influence began to wane, because people began to find it more acceptable to disagree with the church. Humanism became a very real religion. Reason pushed the church out of the way. The age of enlightenment was when the ideas in the age of reason really took hold in Europe. -
Period: to
Revolutionary age (America)
Ineffabilis Deus
Here's a link. There are many doctrines in Catholicism regarding Mary, because Catholicism is a mariological religion. The dogma of the immaculate conception is very important to Mariology. The immaculate conception is the idea that Mary was completely free from sin at the time that Jesus was born. This constitution is basically officially saying that Mary is divine and deserves worship. -
Ad Universalis Ecclesiae
This constitution marks a distinct departure from the Tridentine law, both as to the necessary age and other requirements for admission of men to solemn vows in orders, congregations, and institutes, old and new, in which solemn vows are prescribed. It says that solemn vows are null and void unless one has been making simple vows for a certain period of time.Link -
The First Vatican Council
The First Vatican Council was another ecumenical council. This council was largely to combat modernism. One of two constitutions which were promulgated defined the dogmas concerning Christ, the nature of God, and his founding of the Catholic church. The second of the two was mainly concerned with the role of the church leaders in spiritual affairs, and the lack of power of secular authorities thereof.
Here's a link. -
The Lateran Treaty
This treaty guaranteed the Catholic Church independence from secular rule, officially separating the Catholic church from the Italian government. <a>http://www.aloha.net/~mikesch/treaty.htm</a> -
Munificentissimus Deus
Link. This is another constitution on the holiness of Mary. This one is similar to Ineffabilis Deus in that it is a doctrine about Mary being higher than regular humans. The assumption of Mary is the idea that Mary was taken into heaven without ever dying, like Enoch or Elijah. Once again, because Mariology is a big part of Catholicism, this is an important constitution as it defines a key idea in mariology. -
Vatican II
A link. Here's a link.This council was largely to prevent the church from becoming distant from the rest of the world, and for it to have a greater effect on the world. The change was in the way people thought of the church. Before, the church had been sovereign over all, but now, the church is made of people. However, many things stayed the same, such as the infallible pope. Still, the main theme of the council was aggiornamento, a renewed understanding.