

  • 29 BCE

    Culture: Virgil's The Aenid

    Culture: Virgil's The Aenid
    Virgil was well known for writing The Aenid, which was an epic poem that described the founding of Rome and expressed traditional Roman virtues.
  • 4 BCE

    Religion: Jesus' Birth

    Religion: Jesus' Birth
    Jesus Birth has been estimated to be between 6 bce - 4 bce. References such as the Gospels of Luke and Matthew are used by scholars to estimate the date.
  • 8

    Culture: Ovid's Metamorphoses

    Culture: Ovid's Metamorphoses
    Ovid's Metamorphoses was considered his greatest masterpiece. It details the history of the world up until the deification of Julius Caesar in chronological order.
  • Period: 14 to 68

    Politics: Julio-Claudian dynasty rule in Rome

    The Julio-Claudian dynasty was a line of successors to Emperor Augustus. Their rule involved various assassinations and executions, but still preserved the achievements of Augustus.
  • 33

    Religion: Jesus' Crucifixion

    Religion: Jesus' Crucifixion
    Jesus was crucified by the Romans due to being of accused of causing civil disturbance among the Jews. The Romans wanted peace and tranquility within their Empire, and they were willing to eliminate anyone who obstructed such peace.
  • 66

    Politics: Jewish war of liberation

    In 66 ce, the Jews launched a war of liberation against the Romans due to their conflict with worship of the Emperor. Due to the nature of their monotheistic religion, they refused to allow the worship of a mortal being as a deity.
  • 70

    Politics: Elimination of Jewish Temple and Jerusalem

    Politics: Elimination of Jewish Temple and Jerusalem
    The war launched by the Jews against the Romans ended with a severe loss for the Jews. They were subsequently eliminated from Rome along with their Temple at Jerusalem.
  • 98

    Culture: Tacitus' Germania

    Culture: Tacitus' Germania
    Tacitus' Germania was a historical work that detailed the Germanic tribes that resided outside of Rome. He praised some of the tribes' virtues, but also pointed out their flaws such as drunkenness and barbarism.
  • 313

    Religion: Edict of Milan

    Religion: Edict of Milan
    Constantine issues the Edict of Milan which declared legal toleration for Christianity. This accelerated the growth of Christianity, but other religions (notably the Roman pagan relgion) still legally existed alongside it.