Then there is roping. In roping you have to be able to swing and throw a rope off a horse and hope it will get cought around the cow. -
Tie down roping
In tie down roping you have to rope the cow, jump off your horse, flank the cow and tie its legs. -
Pole bending
Now in pole bending (poles) you and your horse run down a set of 6 poles turn and weeve threw them and repeat again. -
Team roping
In team roping two people run at the cow and one person ropes the head and teh other person ropes the heal (legs). -
Bull Riding
FIrst up is bull riding. During bull riding the bull rider has to stay on the bull for 8 seconds. -
Barrel Racing
Next is barrel racing, one of my favorite sports. In barrel racing you race around 3 barrels that are set in a clover pattern and you try to get the best time. -
Bull Doging
Then there is bull dogin. In bull dogin you have to jump off the horse and onto the cow and try to flip it on its back, or all the way over.