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  • Robot

    The word "robot" is introduced in the play "R.U.R." (Rossum's Universal Robots) by Karel Čapek. Although the robots in the play are artificial beings, this is the first known use of the term.
  • AI

    At the Dartmouth Conference, the term "artificial intelligence" (AI) is coined and the foundation is laid for the development of modern AI, which is crucial to the advancement of robots.
  • Industrial Robot

    Industrial Robot
    The first industrial robot, Unimate, begins working on a production line at General Motors. This robot, designed by George Devol and Joseph Engelberger, marks the beginning of modern industrial automation.
  • Shakey robot

    Shakey robot
    The Shakey robot, developed at the Stanford Research Institute, becomes one of the first mobile robots capable of making decisions based on its environment, thanks to its perception and planning capacity.
  • Honda ASIMO

    Honda ASIMO
    The Japanese company Honda presents the ASIMO robot, which becomes one of the first humanoid robots to have an advanced design and the ability to perform complex movements.
  • The Mars Rover

    The Mars Rover
    The Mars Rover exploration robot "Sojourner" becomes the first robot to successfully land and operate on the surface of Mars, marking a milestone in space exploration.
  • Boston Dynamics

    Boston Dynamics
    Boston Dynamics introduces the Atlas robot, an advanced humanoid robot capable of performing tasks such as walking, running and jumping, demonstrating major advances in bipedal robotics.
  • Sophia

    Sophia, a humanoid robot developed by Hanson Robotics, gains Saudi citizenship, underscoring the growing role and consideration of robots in society and the debate over robot ethics and rights.