
Robot History !(By Ctaherine Thomas and Jasmin Bautista)

  • Roomba

    The Roomba was introduced in 2002 . It is a cleaning robot which vacuums your house, office, etc. They have created different models. So in all there are about more 2 models.
  • I-Robot

    I-robot is a movie starring Will Smith as a polic-office3r in 2035. He is trying to figure out a crime commiteed by a robot. Which leads it to almost desrtoying man-kind.

    Honda reveals their most advanced result of thier humanoid project ASIMO. The new ASIMO features more fluid better dynamic movements made possible through a degree of 26 to 34.
  • Starfish Robot

    Starfish Robot
    In 2006, Cornell University created a four-legged robot capable of walking after being damaged badly.
  • I-sobot

    TOMY launched a entertainment robot, which is a bipedal humaniod robot that can perfrom tricks.
  • Japanese Robot

    Japanese Robot
    Fanuc's two-armed, fast,and industrial robot is the robot of the year for Japan. The robot arm is used to work on assembly lines.
  • Robonaut (r2)

    Robonaut (r2)
    The R2 is the latest model of the astronaut robot. The robot will eventually show a array of tools to complete the task that they have to do. R2 serves as a extra hands to the crew.
  • Spirit

    NASA ended the job of Spirit, focusing more on his twin Oppurtunity. NASA last communicated with Spirit on March of 2010. The rover drove 4.8 miles more than 12 time the original goal.
  • Baxter

    The robot of 2012 is Baxter. He was created by Rodney Brooks and this robot can do light repitive duties.

    Grover was built by stundents at a engineering boot-camp. Also grover is Greenland Robot.