Robot History

  • George Devol

    George Devol
    George Devol designed the first truly programmable robot and called it UNIMATE for ´´Universal Automation.´´
  • The first computer controlled walking machine

    The first computer controlled walking machine
    The first computer controlled walking machine was created by Mcgee and Frank at the University of South Carolina.
  • V.S. Gurfinkel, A. Schneider, E.V. Gurfinkel

    V.S. Gurfinkel, A. Schneider, E.V. Gurfinkel
    V.S. Gurfinkel, A. Schneider, E.V. Gurfinkel and colleagues at the department of motion control at the Russian Academy of Science create the first six-legged walking vehicle.
  • Victor Schenman developed the Programmable Universal Manipulation

    Victor Schenman developed the Programmable Universal Manipulation
    Victor Schenman developed the Programmable Universal Manipulation Arm (Puma). It was widely used in industrial operations. The MITS ALTAIR was the first 8080 chip based kit computer and is arguably the start of the personal computer.
  • 1985 Created by the General Robotics Corp.

    1985 Created by the General Robotics Corp.
    Created by the General Robotics Corp. the RB5X was a programmable robot
    equipped with infrared sensors, remote audio/video transmission, bump
    sensors, and a voice synthesizer. It had software that could enable it to learn
    about its environment.
  • iRobot Corporation was founded by Rodney Brooks

     iRobot Corporation was founded by Rodney Brooks
    iRobot Corporation was founded by Rodney Brooks, Colin Angle and Helen Greiner and produced domestic and military robots.
  • RoboTuna was created by David Barrett at MIT.

    RoboTuna was created by David Barrett at MIT.
    RoboTuna was created by David Barrett at MIT. The robot was used to study how fish swim. Honda created the P2, which was the first major step in creating their ASIMO. The P2 was the first self-regulating, bipedal humanoid robot.
  • iRobot Packbots

     iRobot Packbots
    iRobot Packbots searched through the rubble of the world Trade Center. MD Robotics of Canada built the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS). It was successfully launched and worked to assemble the International Space Station.
  • The Korean Institute of Science and Technology

    The Korean Institute of Science and Technology
    The Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), created HUBO, and claims it is the smartest mobile robot in the world.