

By Arxival
  • Maximillien Robespierre is born

    Was born in a family of the burguesoie from Arras capital of Artois.
  • Robespierre starts studying advocacy

  • Period: to

    Robespierre studies abogacy

  • Robespierre ends studying advocacy

  • He participates in the reunion of the General Estates

    He participates in the reunion of the General Estates
    It was appointed to be 1 of the 8 delegates of the third estate of the province of Artois.
  • it was erected in defense of liberal ideas

    it was erected in defense of liberal ideas
    When the revolution started he was erected in defense of liberal ideas but defending the monarchic formula.
  • He transformed into republican ideas

    Robespierre changed his ideas after the unloyalty of the king to the consitution when he tried to escape. In consequence he claimed the executation of the king Louis XVI
  • Period: to

    Robespierre ascended to the power as the leader of the jacobins.

    With the help of the sans-culottes (the revolutionary masses of Paris) with what he own said "the revolution inside the revolution" that bringed him to the power. First in the revolutionary commune after like a representant of the of the city on the nacional convention where he assumed all the powers and where he appeared as the spokesman of the radical politic party of the Mountain
  • Robespierre delegated the executive power in Comitee of the Public Salvation

  • Robespierre instaured a dictatorship

    Maximillien instaured a repressive dictatorship to solve problems as the war of "la vendée" or the attacks of the other possible absolutist monarchies.
  • Start the reign of terror

    Robespierre started the reign of terror a bloody period of repression with more than 500 decapitations per day
  • radicalisation

    For evite the fall of the recent revolution he imposed a bloody repression using a national repressive system with more than 20.000 vigilance committees. Eliminating physically the extreme left and the moderated revolutionaries. And persecuting and decapitating within piety all the antirevolutionaries.
  • The fall

    After the the exit obtained in the battle of Fleurus culminated the masterpiece of Robespierre making safe the regime but after this his terror was innecessary.
  • Maximillien Robespierre dies

    Maximillien Robespierre dies
    He died during the revolution in Place de la Concorde in Paris. Was decapitated by the revolutionaries because het turned into a crazy tyran.
  • Now we can find it in catacombs of Paris