Robert Jenkins Programming I

By Kowai
  • Plankalkul

    Made by Konrad Zuse – Used for engineering purposes back in the 50s.

    Made by Charles Katz – Used as an early programming language for the UNIVAC I and UNIVAC II.
  • Fortran

    Made by John Backus – Used for a general scientific, and mathematic coding language.
  • LISP

    Made by Steve Russell – created as a practical mathematical notation for computer programs.

    Made by Grace Hopper – Used for a common language for developing business programs.
  • RPG

    Made by IBM – Used as a high level business application language by IBM.

    Made by John George Kemeny – Used for making simple programs and easy to use.
  • LOGO

    Made by Wally Feurzeig – Used as a educational programming.
  • B

    Made by Ken Thompson – Used for recursive, non-numeric, machine independent applications, such as system and language software.

    Made by Niklaus Wirth – Used as a general programming language for data structuring, its modern version can be looked on as visual basic.
  • C

    Made by Dennis Ritchie – Used for making programs, and its an easy to use code with almost no fault.
  • ML

    Made by Robin Milner – Used for a general purpose functional programming language originally used to develop proof tactics in the LCF theorem prover.
  • SQL

    Made by Donald D. Chamberlin, and Raymond F. Boyce. – Used to manage data within a dedicated server or an alike server.
  • ADA

    Made by Tucker Taft – Used for large, long lived applications.
  • C++

    Made by Bjarne Stroustrup – Used for making most computer programs, and its one of the most common languages today.
  • Visual Basic

    Made in 1991 – Made by Microsoft – Used as an easy to learn general programming software so users could develop programs.
  • Python

    Made in 1991 – Made by Guido van Rossum – Used for a general purpose coding language, however its more common for high level programmers to use it. Commonly people use it to develop DDoS scripts.
  • Java

    Made in 1995 – Made by James Gonsling – Used as a application developer. It outputs a compiled bytecode class file that can only be run on a JVM.
  • PHP

    Made in 1995 – Made by Rasmus Lerdorf – Used as a server sided scripting language but can also be used as a general purpose language.
  • Javascript

    Made in 1995 – Made by Brendan Eich – Used as a plugin developer for webbrowsers that outputs something where users can interact with the site client sided.
  • Delphi

    Made in 1995 – Made by Borland – Used for a rapid application development tool for windows. Delphi is comparable to C++ in many ways considering they share many of the same core components.