Roaring Twenties

By Oskund
  • Eugene V. Debs

    -Was a five time candidate fro the Socialist Party for America for President of the U.S.
    -Was a labor unionist
    -A founding father of the Industrial Workers of the World organization
  • Jim Crow Laws

    -Were laws made by southern states that legalized the segregation of African-Americans and whites in schools, public locations, and otherwise
    -Led to civil rights movements being formed, especially later in the 1960's
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    -Was a law that prohibited all immigration of Chinese eastern laborers to the United States
    -Signed by President Chester A. Arthur
    -Was one of the most restrictive immigration acts in history and restricted the American dream for many
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    -Was a ship of the U.K. that was sunk in 18 minutes in the early stages of World War I, as German superior submarines sunk several British ships
    -Was another catalyst for tensions and war in WWI
    -Was a passenger ship that no one feared would be attacked by another nation
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    -Was a note from the passed German official secretary Arthur Zimmerman, who proposed that Mexico and Germany become allies in the case of a war between the U.S. -Was dangerous because of the potential threat on the homeland Mexico could present
  • Sedition Act

    -Made it illegal to write about or speak poorly of the U.S. government in times of war during the onslaught of World War I
    -Restricted the American freedom of speech, as rights were often restricted in times of war
  • 18th Amendment

    -Was enacted by Woodrow Wilson, and prohibited the transport, sale and production of alcoholic beverages.
    -Proved ineffective as it led to crime and hidden methods of bootlegging and other alcoholic bars
  • Red Scare

    -Was a psychological fear in America of growing socialist/communist influences in the country, or simply a radical leftist change
    -Caused many to be falsely persecuted on claims that they held socialist values and were disloyal to their country
  • 19th Amendment

    -Effectively granted both men and women equal voting rights
    -Gave the growing women's suffrage movements what they had been fighting for for some time
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    -Completely excluded people from Asia
    -Lowered visas given to all nationalities in US to 2 percent
    -Was established through an 1890 quota
  • The John Scopes Monkey Trial

    -Was a trial in which John Scopes was on trial for violating the Butler Act (making it illegal to teach human evolution)
    -Was found guilty, yet the verdict was overturned due to a technicality
    -Sparked nationwide controversy over whether teaching every practice was lawful or not
  • 20th Amendment

    -Moved the beginning/ending terms of the vice and actual presidency from March 4th to January 20th
    -Members of Congress were moved from March 4th to January 3rd
    -Limited the ability of the president by effectively shortening his reign
  • 21st Amendment

    -Repealed the effects of the 18th amendment and effectively ended the law of prohibition
    -Was put into effect as a result of the terrible backlash that prohibition had brought with crime and new alcohol smuggling rings reaching an all time high