The roaring twenties 1 638

Roaring Twenties Alonso Banos and Addel R.

By abanos
  • Tin Pan Alley

    Tin Pan Alley
    All types of musics mixed in this area, e.i, blues, jazz, and ragtime. (positive)
  • Period: to

    The Great Migration

    2 million African-American moved from the south to the north escaping racism and looking for better job opportunities. (positive)
  • Marcus Garvey

    Marcus Garvey
    Came to the US to help organize African Americans fo total liberation of Africans around the world. Positive
  • Frances Willard

    Frances Willard
    She was elected as president of the national women temperance union. She advocated women's rights, suffrage, prison reform for woman, and eight hour workday and improved working condition. (positive)
  • Prohibition

    The Prohibition of alcohol in order to stop poverty and crime. It was thought to stop violence. Positive
  • 18th amendment

    18th amendment
    Is the amendment that abolish the sell and distribution of alcohol in the US. (positive)
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    It was a time of panic the make the American people fear for their life, thanks to Russia and their send of anarchic bombs. Many Americans were send t jail for using their first right freedom of speech, and showing their point of view on the problem. (negative)
  • Eugenics

    scientific belief that the human race could improved by breeding.
  • Flapper

    Woman dressed more loosely and freely Revolutionized dressing among women (positive)
  • Harlem Renaissance

    Harlem Renaissance
    It was the awakening of African American culture. (positive)
  • Period: to

    Roaring Twenties

    It was a time of economic prosperity and new cultural values for the U.S.A. This incremented the migration from farms to cities, and the nations wealth double during this years. Many Americans enjoy this time, but some created conflict to end the enjoyment. (positive/ Negative)
  • Return to Normalycy

    Return to Normalycy
    It was a promise that president Warren Harding made to the citizens that he was going to return the country back to neutral like it used to be in before World War 1. Also he promised to increment the economy or return it to normal. (positive)
  • Warren Harding

    Warren Harding
    He became president after using his slogan "return to normalcy", he promise that he was going to return the economy back to regular like the one before World War 1. Also he was invigorated on the teapot scandal, and was assassinated on 1923. (positive)
  • Langston Hughes

    Langston Hughes
    Wrote about the life of being an African-American during this age. Defended and spoke for the African-American. (positive)
  • Teapot Dome scandal

    Teapot Dome scandal
    It was an scandal the involves president Warren and some people from the senate. They try to exchange oil to other companies in order to received personal bribes. (negative)
  • Henry Ford

    Henry Ford
    Henry Ford was an engineer and early automobile manufacturer. Goal was to make cars for everyone to afford. Most known for the creation of the Assembly line. (positive)
  • Immigration acts

    Immigration acts
    Allowed Britain, Ireland, and Germany to have a great amount of immigrants. (Positive)
  • Calvin Coolidge

    Calvin Coolidge
    Calvin Coolidge was the Vice President of Harding. Until Harding died in 1923. He later became President in 1924 (positive)
  • Clerence darrow

    Clerence darrow
    Defending Scopes during the monkey trial. (positive)
  • Scopes "Monkey Trial"

    Scopes "Monkey Trial"
    Drew nationwide attention for pitting older religious beliefs against new scientific theories. (positive)
  • Charles Lindbergh

    Charles Lindbergh
    Was the first person to fly across the Atlantic ocean. (positive)
  • Rugged Individuas

    Rugged Individuas
    Was a campaigned speech that described the message that was trying to be sent out and what they were trying to do. (positive)
  • Herber Hoover

    Herber Hoover
    Was the secretary of commerce then in the 1928 tried running for presidency.
  • 21st Amendment

    21st Amendment
    IT ratified the 18th amendment, mandated the prohibition of alcohol.