Sacco Vanzetti trial
These two were convicted of killing a guard and a paymaster the two were electrocuted to death at Charles state prison -
Ratification of the 19th amendment
The 19 amendment stopped people from not getting the right to vote on the basis of sex so I am saying they are letting women vote. -
Yankee stadium opens
The Yankee stadium was located in Bronx a borough part in New York. The first Yankee game was played on a radio. -
The Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby was a book that was made by F. Scott Fitzgerald that follows a cast of characters that lived in a made up town named West Egg. -
Scopes Monkey Trial
two men thought that all humans were at first monkeys the were wrong even though monkeys act like humans they are not. -
Grand Ole Opry starts on wsm
The Grand ole opry was a country music stage concert and was founded in Nashville Tennessee by George. D Hay as a 1 hour radio barn dance on wsm. -
Charles Lindberg crossesthe atlantic ocean
Charles Lindberg aka slim was an inventor American aviator and a military officer he was famous for flying an air post across the Atlantic ocean. -
Jazz Singer Premiere
singer+premieres&FORM=AWREhe Jazz Singer was A movie directed by Alan Crosland and was about a man who is worried about his son for caring so little about his family heritage. -
Steamboat Willie premieres
Steamboat Willie is a short film animated by Walt Disney it was first produced in black and white Walt wanted to create his first sound animated cartoon and he was successful. -
Black Tuesday
Black Tuesday was the most catastrophic market crash in the history of America.It was when the price of stocks just collapsed it was when the twenties came stumbling halt and,in its place was the Great Depression.