
roadway to my life

  • being born

    I don't remember it but I'm sure it was great
  • pre-school

    I remember taking all the naps and singing all the clean up songs- how fun (take me back please)
  • family- cousin was born

  • birth of sibling- brother

    his name is Aidan and he is 12 years old!!!! my only sibling
  • mini car accident

    my grandma and I got into a small car crash- I remember asking the police "why are you still here if everyone is okay?", I was a savage
  • I broke my arm

  • sickness- mom

    my mom still has many health problems but I remember it when I was younger too
  • first experience with death- aunt ann

  • moved to gahanna

    I used to live in whitehall until 4th grade
  • volunteered at the lions club

    my grandpa is a volunteer there and I started helping out when I moved to gahanna!
  • got 2/3 of my cats

    murray & chloe!!!!
  • first best friend- julie

    first best friend- julie
    I've known her since I was a baby because our moms have been friends since high school but we were really close when we were in middle school!!! she was basically my bigger sister
  • got my 3rd cat

  • freshmen year

    freshmen year was a new era in my life- high school!
  • s club

    s club
    ever since I was a freshmen I've been in s club, it's shaped me as a person today and made me feel useful at what I stand for
  • first job- worked for my grandpa

    my grandpa works at a race track and I used to work the merch booth in the summer and etc etc
  • met my favorite celebrities

    they changed my life and gave me so many special memories, this was obviously one of them!
  • finally met my best friends

    met two of my closest friends who live in cinci and it made my heart happy!!!!
  • senior year

    this will hopefully be my best year yet!!! even if not, it's my final year until a new chapter in this thing I don't have figured out just quite yet called life
  • licensed driver

    since this day I've been driving myself around- we love the freedom
  • get tattoos

    I want multiple!!
  • graduate high school

    I'm determined!!!!
  • go to college

    not sure where and still deciding out of the two options I have left so!!!!
  • graduate college

    4 years at most
  • move in with a bff/roomate

  • have a successful career!!!

    hopefully by the time college is over I'll be on the right track
  • party!!!!!

  • get a dog AND a cat

    idk why but I love puppies and cats and animals so yeah
  • go to iceland

    idk why I want to so bad but I want to so bad
  • hopefully settle down?? maybe