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Roadway to life timeline

By eliah b
  • The day i was born

    The day i was born
  • first surgery ever

    first surgery ever
  • first real friend

    first real friend
  • first day in preschool

    first day in preschool
  • got my own room at five

    got my own room at five
  • first day of school

    first day of school
  • my sister went to college

    my sister went to college
  • grammy death

    grammy death
  • Got a new dog

    Got a new dog
  • my hobby (baking)

    my hobby (baking)
  • first job

    first job
  • first car

    first car
  • junior homecoming

    junior homecoming
  • going to college

    going to college
  • first time voting

    first time voting
  • become a Delta

    become a Delta
  • moving to Atlanta

    moving to Atlanta
  • career in social work

    career in social work
  • wedding day

    wedding day
  • first house

    first house
  • first child

    first child