Vermont Abolishes Slavery
Civil war is based on slaves and this could start tension between north and south. -
Cotton Gin
The cotton gin was a device that took seeds out of cotton, because of this easy way more and more slaves were now there because of the cotton boom, civil war was based on slavery -
War of 1812
They had a split decision about whether to go to war, so this started some tension -
Underground Railroad
Harriet Tubman brought hundreds of people to freedom using secret passageways, started more tension between north and south -
NAt Turner Rebellion
He got a bunch of slaves and killed 57 plantation owners, a huge debate flared between whether it was good or bad, whether he needed to do it. Tension built -
Texas Annexation
After the Americans fought Mexico for texas, they got Texas which became a slave state. The reason this leads to the civil war is because a part of the reason we fought is because we wanted no more slavery. -
America Gains California
A popular slave state north didn't necessarily want to expand, creates tension -
JOhn Browns Raids
John Browns raids on Harpers Ferry and Pottowatamie Creek further divide the north and south, he killed 5 people, then being captured raiding Harpers ferry -
Abraham Lincoln Becomes president
He gets elected, this is when the war starts and the south secedes -
Civil War
About owning slaves and sometimes types of governments