Civil war

Road to the Civil War

By Bmill
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Where Henry Clay made a line that decided whether a state would be slave or free. Made the number of slave and free states even.
  • Nat Turner rebellion

    Nat Turner rebellion
    A slave rebellion in virginia
    Led by Nat Turner
    Rebel slaves killed 55 to 65 people
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    South Carolina felt they were being targeted by big taxes
    South Carolina was upset about paying more money for items they needed
    Andre Jackson thought nullification would set a dangerous precedent and would cause the country to fall apart
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    If a slave was caught it would be taken to court to see if it was free or a slave
    The judge would decide
    The judge would get more money if he decide the black person was a slave
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    California joined as a free state
    Slave trade was ended in DC
    2 new territories were created
    There was a strict law for runaway slaves
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Created the Kansas and Nebraska territories and opened the land to white settlers
    Voided the Missouri Compromise line by allowing settlers in the territories to decide on the question of slavery through Popular sovereignty
  • Period: to

    Bleeding Kansas

    A senator was beaten so bad that he could not go back to the senate for 3 years
    Proslavery and antislavery
    To decide if Kansas was going to be a free state or a slave state
  • Brooks attacks sumner

    Brooks attacks sumner
    Senator Charles Sumner gave a speach
    Senator Preston Brooks didnt like what the speach talked about
    Brooks attacked sumner with his cane
  • Dred scott decision

    Dred scott decision
    Dred scott thought he should be free because he lived in a free territory for muliple years.
    Judge said that he was a slave and couldn't be free
  • Lincoln Douglas Debates

    Lincoln Douglas Debates
    7 debates between Abe Lincoln and Stephen Douglas
    The point was to get the political parties to win control of the Illonis legistration
  • Raid on Harpers Ferry

    Raid on Harpers Ferry
    Lead by John Brown
    Purpose was to steal weapons from the armory and give them to slaves
    Wanted to free slaves
  • Elecction of 1860

    Elecction of 1860
    Only Stephen Douglas ran a national campaign
    In 10 states you were not allowed to vote for lincoln
    Democratic party split based on sectionalism into two with separate candidates
    Abraham Lincoln Won the election
    South Carolina seceded
  • South Carolina Secession

    South Carolina Secession
    South Carolina left the U.S because Abraham Lincoln was elected president
    Was the first state to leave the U.S