Road to the American Revolution

  • French and Indian War

    A fight between the French and the English over North America. Indians were forced to take sides. English won. Led to British taxing colonists and less movement for the colonists, which led to Colonists and British disagreeing.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Pontiac's war led British officials to believe that they should stop Colonists from moving onto Indian's land. The proclamation drew an inviable line down the Appalachian mountains. Colonists were not allowed to move over this line, yet, they did any way. Going against the Proclamation started to show colonists that they didn't need to listen to Britain
  • Treaty Of Paris

    The treaty of Paris ended French power in America.
  • Sugar Act

    Tax on sugar and molasses
  • Stamp Act

    The stamp act put taxes on legal documents/things that were printed. Parliament did not have a right to tax the Colonies however, and so the colonies got very mad. For many reasons too, including, England residents did not have the taxes, only colonists, so they believed they were not being viewed as equals any more, not only that the taxes were forced upon them, and they did not have a say in the taxes.
  • Quartering Act

    Colonists had to give up their homes for 20,000 British troops. British troops landed in Boston and walked into Colonist's homes expecting to be cared for.
  • Writ of Assistances

    It allowed British Officials to search cargo ships for smuggling
  • Townshend Acts

    Taxes on things such as paint, paper, led, glass, and tea, all things that were manufactured in England. Colonies protested for the same reasons for the stamp act, and they protested together, which only brought them closer together.
  • Boston Massacre

    Colonists hated British soldiers and officials so much that soldiers risked getting beaten every time they walked down the street. British soldiers were guarding a British official's house when angry colonists started throwing ice and oyster shells at the soldiers. The soldiers started to panic and fired multiple shots into the crowd. They left five people dead.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was a protest that colonists held against the Boston Tea Act. Colonists in Massachusetts dressed as Indians dumped 342 chests of British tea into the Mass. harbor. It infuriated British Officials even more
  • Boston Tea Act

    Boston passed the Tea Act. The Tea Act taxed tea. It infuriated Colonists a lot. Parliament tried to make it better, but Colonists just got angrier because they thought it was a trick to make them accept the fact that England had control over them
  • The Quebec Act

    The Quebec act gave the French more rights. It angered the colonists because this led them to believe that Britain thought of the French higher than the colonists
  • Intolerable Acts

    Punishment from Parliament for the Boston Tea Party. They were four laws nicknamed the 'Intolerable Acts' by angry Colonists.
    The four laws were...
    1- The Boston port was closed
    2- Boston could not hold any trials in Boston
    3- Boston could not hold more than one meeting a year
    4- Red coats would not sleep in tents any more, they would sleep in Colonist's houses.
    The Intolerable Acts united colonies and angered colonists even more
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    The goal of the battle was for the colonists to seize the Colonial Arms, a place with lots of weapons. There was a battle between Colonists and British over the colonial arms. England was forced to retreat. This event was important because it was one of the first times the colonies fought in a battle with their home land.
  • Republican party was made

    Republican's wanted to stop slavery from growing
  • Lincoln vs. Douglas

    Lincoln was a republican and Douglas was a democrat. There were tons of debates that they had. The nation was divided. (Douglas won by a tinnnnyyyyy bit)
  • John Brown

    John Brown was considered a hero in the north and a villain in the south
  • John Brown's death

    The north honored him by ringing church bells throughout the north... the south was excited that this "terrorist" was killed, but confused as to why the north was honoring him.
  • Britain Repeals

    Britain Repeals every tax but the Tea Act because Colonists were still being taxed, and they were still mad because Parliament did not have the right to tax them.