Paul Reveres ride
Paul Reveres ridePaul Reveres ride took place in 1734. Paul Revere rode through towns at midnight warning everybody that the British were coming. The exact quote of "The British are coming!The British are coming!" has been remembered and is still remembered today. It helped lead to the war because Paul Revere said the British are coming. -
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Causes of the Revolutionary War
The proclamation of 1763
proclamation of 1763The Proclamation of 1763 said that the colonists could not move west of the Appalachain Mountains because King George III said they it was very expensive to protect all of the colonists west of the Appalachain Mountains from Indian attacks so he said that all the colonists that moved west had to move back so he diddnt have to pay for protection from the Indians for them. -
End of French and Indian war
french and indian warThe French and Indian war took place in 1763. This war was fought by the French and the British. At the end of the battle the British had won and took most of the land that the French had before the war. -
sugar act
The Sugar Act took place in 1764 and was a tax on sugar and molasses imposed by the British. The colonists were upset about this because they thought they paid enough for sugar and molasses before the tax. -
Townshend Act
townshend actThe Townshend act was a tax on imports such as glass, paper and tea. This tax was imposed by the British who got all of the money from the taxes. This allowed officers to use Writs of Assistance which are the ability for officers to search the coloniakl ships for no reason.The colonists felt that the Writs of Assistance violate dtheir rights because the officers could go onto any ship they wanted and search. -
Quartering Act
Quartering ActThe Quartering act took placi on January 2, 1774. It was passed by the British in 1765. It was one of the Intolerable acts on colonists because of the Boston Tea Party. Colonists had to house British soldiers that had fought in the French and Indian war -
the stamp act
stamp actThe Stamp Act took place in 1765 and it required special tax on stamps for legal documents, newspapers and anythong else the colonists wanted to send. The colonists were outraged because they were already paying taxes for other things the British put taxes on and they they were already paying enough. -
Boston Massacure
Boston MassacreThe Boston Massacre was a fight between colonists and the British that left 5 colonists dead. This was an engraving done by Paul Revere showing the British soldiers attacking the colonists.If you look to the left you will see a dog showing that the colonists were living there normal lives and the British soilders just attacked them -
Boston Tea party
boston tea partyThe Boston Tea Party took place in 1773. This was an event when the colonists dressed up as Mohawk Indians and snuck on to the British ships in the Boston Harbor and dumped the tea into the harbor.They were punished by the British because they could not have meetingsand they closed the Boston Harbor so they could not import or export good. These acts by the British were called the Intolerable Acts. -
Coercive/Intolerable Acts
Intolerable ActsThese were Acts by the British to the colonists because the colonists dumped the tea into the harbor. This was known as the Boston Tea Party. Some of the acts were the British shut down the Boston harbor, so the colonists could not import or export goods they also said the colonists could no longer have town meetings. -
First Continental Congress
continental congressThe Continental Congress took place in 1774. It was a meeting of people, from 12 of the 13 colonies, the colonie that did not show up was Gerorgia. This was a meeting about the Intolerable acts the met in Philidelphia, Pennsylvania. -
Battle of Lexington and Concord
Lexington and ConcordThis was a battle in 1775 between the British and the colonists. The colonists were warned that the British were coming to attck them, they were warned by Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Preston. The used lanterns on the tower. The code was 1 by land and 2 by sea.