The French and Indian War Aftermath
Lead to increased taxes
Ended salutary neglect
The British leave troops in America to enforce laws
Britain's goals are to collect taxes, stop smuggling, and boost the British economy -
Sugar Act
Tax put on sugar with the goal of decreasing smuggling.
Issued the Writs of Assistance which allows the British to search property without a warrant.
Violates privacy and creates tension -
Stamp Act
Direct tax paid on all printed goods
Stamp Act Congress- boycotts printed goods
Colonial resistance- rights were violated
Colonists refused to pay taxes, kept smuggling, and attacked tax collectors and soldiers
Later repealed and replaced with the Townshend Acts -
Quartering Act
Requires that Americans must house and feed British soldiers
Invasion of privacy
Takes away their ability to self govern
Adds more tension -
Boston Massacre
Big turning point in the revolution
British soldiers fired upon Americans
Both claimed to be innocent/justified -
Tea Act
Added a tax on tea
Awarded a monopoly
Price of tea goes up
Sons of liberty assemble to react
Leads to the Boston Tea Party -
Boston Tea Party
Colonists dumped 342 barrels of tea into Boston Harbor
About $2 million worth of damages to cargo
Britain sees it as a threat to British rule
King George III increases the number of troops to one per citizen -
Intolerable Acts
GB introduces a series of acts to make up for the money lost in the Boston Tea Party.
Seen as a punishment to all, despite the fact that only a few people actually dumped the tea.
Leads to an inter colonial meeting- 5 (ish) reps from every colony -
1st Continental Congress
Formed in response to the Intolerable Acts
Colonists discuss their rights and how they can defend them.
Decide to boycott British goods and start the Non-importation agreements, an agreement not to buy British goods
Committees of Correspondence enforces boycott by inspecting custom houses and blacklisting sellers that refuse to boycott. -
Lexington and Concord
Colonists in MA formed a secretive militia. They had a spy network using beacons to signal British movements, "Shot Heard 'Round the World." Secret gets out and the British search warehouses for weapons, finds nothing.
Leads to the second continental congress where the radicals write the Olive Branch Petition in hopes to cease fire, end the intolerable acts, and define colonial rights. The king sees the Olive Branch as a joke and declares the colonists in a 'State of Rebellion.'