French and Indian War
The French and Indian war was when the French and Indians alliance to fight the British. They got in a war, because the British were treating the Indian poorly and they were taking the French's land. The French got mad and they alliance with the Indians to fight the British. -
British Parliament passed the Sugar Act
The Sugar Act was when the British would charge the colonies for buying sugar. These taxes also placed on other items like wine, coffee, pimiento, cambric and printed calico. -
The British Parliment passed the Stamp Act
The Stamp Act was a direct act. It required American colonists specially stamped paper for every legal document, license, newspaper, pamphlet, and almanac. Colonists who didn't comply with the law were arrested and punished. -
British Parliment passed the Townshend Acts.
The Townshend Acts were indirect. The act levied on imported materials - tea, glass, lead, paint, and paper - as they came into the American colonies from Britan. -
5 colonists were killed in the Boston Massacre
There were too much hostility and tension between Bostonians and the British soldiers stationed in their city. A violent clash in the city left 5 colonists dead. Colonial agitators called this clash the "Boston Massacre," which made the U.S closer to war with Britan. -
Colonists stage the Boston Tea Party
The Townshend Acts resulted in colonial tea boycotts. The British East India Company tried to cut out tea merchants and sell directly to the colonists. Bostonians responded with the Boston Tea Party - taking over 3 British ships in the harbor and throwing the tea overboard. -
The British Parliament passed the Intolerable Acts.
To punish the colonists, England passed the Coercive Acts. Th colonists called them the "Intolerable Acts." One law shut down Boston Harbour, and another one allowed the British to house soldiers in private homes. -
The American Colonies declare independence
By early summer 1776, events pushed the wavering Continental Congress towards a decision. Congress urged each colony to form its own government and seperate from Britan. The document that formally made this move was the Declaration of Independence. -
The British surrender at Yorktown
About 17,000 French and American troops surrounded the British on the Yorktown peninsula and bombarded them day and night. This seide in Yorktown lasted about 3 weeks. Finally, British General Cornwallis surrendered and the last battle of the American Revolution ended. -
The colonists and British sign the Treaty of Paris, ending the war
Peace talks began in Paris in 1782. Representatives of the United States, Great Britan, France, and Spain negotiated. Finally, the Treaty of Paris was signed, confirming U.S. independence and setting boundaries for the new nation.