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Road To Revolution

  • Treaty of Paris 1763

    Treaty of Paris 1763
    This treaty ended the French and Indian War in 1763. Great Britain gained the Ohio River Valley doubling the size of its colonies.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    In 1764 the Sugar Act was passed. This was the first law that taxed the colonies for war revenue.
  • Stamp Tax

    Stamp Tax
    Th Stamp Tax was passed in 1765. This law was implemented to raise revenue for British troops. It required the use of stamped paper that were placed on bills, pamphlets, newspapers, marriage licenses, and playing cards. This was required to prove tax payment.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act was passed in 1765. This law required colonists to provide food and housing for British troops.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    The Stamp Act Congress met in the Federal Hall building in New York City between October 7 and 25, 1765. This was one of the first meetings of congress. Their goal was to repeal the stamp act.
  • Repeal of Stamp Act

    Repeal of Stamp Act
    After much debate, parliament repealed the stamp act in 1766.
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    After the repeal of the stamp act, British Parliament wanted to take back their power. The Declaratory Act declared Britain’s control over the colonies.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    This act created a more indirect way to tax. Instead of taxing goods directly it created a tax on imports. It allowed for payments on glass, white lead, paint, paper, and tea to be payed at American ports.
  • Boston Masacre

    Boston Masacre
    Taunted by townspeople throwing snowballs, ten redcoats open fired on the 60 civilians. Out of these people, only five died labeling it a masacre.
  • Committees of Correspondence

    Committees of Correspondence
    The first committee of Correspondence was created in Boston, Massachusetts in 1772. Their goal was to spread the spirit of resistance by exchanging letters. Intercolonial committees were the next step, and Virginia led the way in 1773
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    In December of 1773, a group of about 100 Bostonians dressed as Indians boarded some docked ships and dumped 342 chests of tea into the Atlantic.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    In 1774, parliament passed the Intolerable Acts. This was the intended to punish the colonies for their rebellion. The Boston Harbor was shut down, restrictions were places on town meetings, and a new quartering act was implemented.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    The first Continental Congress met from September 5th to October 26, 1774. Twelve out of the thirteen colonies were represented. Georgia alone was missing. Their goals were to spread the word of the revolution. They adopted the Association which was a charge to boycott British goods. Not only this, but they worked together in attempt to appeal the Intolerable acts.
  • The Association

    The Association
    The Association called for a complete boycott of British goods. There rule called was nonimportation, nonexportation, and nonconsumption.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    In April 1775, British sent troops to Concord and Lexington. Their mission was to seize control of colonial gunpowder. Minutemen refused to disperse leading to the first shots. Eight Americans killer and several injured. This was the start of bloodshed.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    The meeting of the Second Continental Congress was fully represented by all 13 colonies. There meeting created the Continental Government and they made George Washington in control. They also created the Olive Branch Petition in last hopes of peace. However, King George refused it.
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    In June 1775, colonists took control of bunker hill. However, they had to retreat when their gunpowder ran low.
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    Richard Henry Lee’s Move for Independence

    In June, Richard Henry Lee motioned that the United Colonies should be recognized as independent. After much debate the idea was adopted
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was written in 1776 by a Thomas Jefferson. This draft was a document written to demand and explain independence from Britain
  • Battle of Long Island

    Battle of Long Island
    The colonial army was outnumbered and surrounded; however, fog allowed them to escape to Manhattan Island.
  • Trenton

    George Washington and his men were able to use the Delaware River to once again to create a sneaky plan. Washington crossed the Delaware to Trenton where he led a surprise attack on the Hessians that were sleeping off the Christmas partying.
  • Treaty of Paris of 1783

    Treaty of Paris of 1783
    This treaty gave the Colonies Independence. Britain hoped to seduce America from its French alliance.