Road to Revolution

By ag22
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Cause - indentured servants had no land to grow crops but still paid high taxes, Native Americans often attacked plantations on the near borders, tobacco was produced at low prices but sold to other countries to make a profit. Definition - revolt in 1676 by Virginia colonists against governor Impact - racial and economical issues; huge impacts on racial issues in the colonies and taxes were reduced in colonies
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    Great Awakening

    Cause - fighting between religious and political groups in late 17th century England Definition - religious improvement in the American colonies during the 1730s-1740s Impact - realignment and reprioritization Christian belief in society.
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    Cause - Definition - Impact -
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Cause - all colonies were in equal danger due to the FIW Definition - plan to place the British North American colonies under a more centralized government. Impact - Albany plan was the first important proposal to conceive of the colonies as a whole with one government all united.
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    Pontiac's Rebellion

    Cause - tribes didn't trust British, British were permitted white settlement on Indian territory Definition - Pontiac led NA tribes against British in series of attacks - in the Ohio River Valley Impact - Pontiac's war failed but rebellion quickened the implementation of the Royal Proc. of 1763
  • Treaty of Paris

    Cause - the elected British PM Lord Shelburne saw American Independence as an to open up trade with new nations. Definition - ended the FIW Impact - set the colonists on the path towards seeking independence - made British empire stronger
  • Proclamation Line of 1763

    Cause - England wanted to control expansion to save on gov. costs Definition - order by the British king that closed the region west of the Appalachian Mts. to all settlement by colonists. Impact - est. Quebec, West Florida, and East Florida, protected NA from frequent attacks from white settlers
  • Boston Massacre

    Cause - people of Boston protested against British taxes - believed British had no right to tax them bc they did not elect their reps. in Parliment. Definition - incident on March 5th, 1770, in which British soldiers in Boston killed 5 colonists - PHYSICAL ALTERCATION Impact - relations between British and American colonists changed, made colonists want to fight for even more dependence
  • Boston Tea Party

    Cause - initiated by colonists, in protest of British government's actions Definition - political and mercantile protest by Sons of Liberty Impact - led to start of American Revolution
  • First Continental Congress

    Cause - reaction to Coercive Acts, respond to resistance of taxes Definition - Assembly of reps. from the colonies that first met in Philadelphia in Sept. 1774 Impact - compact among colonies to boycott British goods