
Road to Revolution

By Skye O.
  • Sugar Acts

    Sugar Acts
    • Indirect tax (Out of sight = out of mind.)
    • Duties on molasses and sugar
    • The Parliament made taxes lower so they would smuggle less
    • The colonists felt unsafe in their own homes
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    • Tax on all paper products
    • Official stamp/seal on all paper items, things like Legal documents, Licenses, Newspapers, Pamphlets, Playing cards
    • The Sons of Liberty took action in the streets to protest the Stamps Act
  • Declaration Act

    Declaration Act
    -Parliament declares it has power to make laws for the colonies “in all cases whatsoever”
    -Parliament passes this to save face
    - The Declaratory act was passed due to all the money that was lost
  • Townshed Act

    Townshed Act
    • Taxes on glass, Lead, Paints, Paper, and Tea
    • Searched for smuggled goods
    • Sons of Liberty start to do violent acts - British Soldiers arrive to protect tax collectors
  • Tea act

    Tea act
    • Passed in 1773 and allowed British East India Company to sell tea directly to colonists
      • Lower Prices than colonists merchant prices
      • Tax Tea cheaper than smuggled tea
      • Less Smuggling = More tax money
  • Boston Tea party

    Boston Tea party
    • Members of the Sons of Liberty dump over 340 chests of tea into the Boston harbor
    • "Boston harbor is a teapot tonight!"
    • Caused problems for loyalists/Tories - loyalists/Tories = a person in the Colony who remains "loyal" to the King and Britain
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    • Passed to punish Boston for Tea party
      • Boston Harbor closed until tea paid for
      • Massachusetts Charter cancelled
      • Quartering Act required colonists house soldiers
      • General Thomas Gage became new governor of MA
  • Continental Congress Meets

    Continental Congress Meets
    • All colonies but Georgia have representatives
    • Voted to send a "statement of grievances"
    • Voted to Boycott all British Trade
    • Patrick Henry - VA rep. urged colonists to unite against Britain