End of French and Indian War
Albany plan of union was created; Britain declares war on France. Colonists settle in the Ohio River Valley; this leads to conflicts with Native Americans on the frontier. The war leads to debt. Debt leads to taxation in colonies. This taxtion leads to anger from the colonists. -
The Proclimation of 1763
Banned all colonists from settling west from the Appalachain Mountains. People thought they had rights and some people ignored. The colonists believed they had a right to live where they pleased. So they widely ignored because it was impossible for the British to enforce. -
Period: to
Road to Revolution
Sugar Act
The British put a tax on sugar, molasses, and other things which included harsh punishments for smugglers. The item was to much - boycott. This was taxation without representation which that was tryanny! The colonists wewre not happy about the sugar act. They boycotted British goods and they sent a petition to England. -
Stamp Act
Colonists had to buy an additional stamp for documents like wills, contracts, newspapers, or even playing cards. Taxed for no reason - they wanted more money. -
Quartering Act
This act required colonists to house and feed british soldiers. Some colonists refused to let soldiers in their homes. When soldiers had gone into peoples homes the soldiers could have been jailed, and sometimes the soldiers would move to the next house so they wouldnt have to deal with the non - sense. The colonists belived thier rights have benn violated. Some colonists would not allow soldiers to live in their houses. -
Townshend Act
Britain wont tax goods in the colonies. Tax on imports including lead, tea, glass, etc. People smuggled goods into the coloies - rights were being violated. The colonists thought their rights were being violated. So they smuggled goods into the colonies. They also reduced imports to the colonies. -
Boston Massacre
Boston Massacre took place on King Street at 8:00 pm. There were five people killed during this event, the people that were killed were Crispus Attucks, Sam Gray, James Caldwell, Patrick Carr, and Sam Maverick. The five victims were killed by gun shot wounds. The colonists were really mad about this. They blamed this whole thing on the british even though it was both the British and the colonists. -
Tea Act
Tea must be imported from British East India Company. The tea is still taxed, 3 pence / pound. The company chooses who can and connot sell tea.The British puts colonial merchants out of business. The colonists were really mad that the British had put a taxt on tea. They did not want to pay for this tea, so that lead them to the Boston Tea paty. -
Boston Tea Party
The british put a taxt on tea and all of the colonist got mad about that. So 116 coloinst got 90,000 ibs and 342 containers of tea and threw it over bored into the river. The colonist were happy about the boston Tea party and what they did, they were happy that they stood up to England. -
Coercive/Intolerable Acts
The British's response were the Coercive and Intolerable Acts. These acts closed the port of Boston until all the tea was paid for. Any trials were moved to England. All town meetings were being banned. This made the Quartering Act stonger.Colonists weren't happy with the British's response because they had to pay for all the tea. -
The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere (and others)
Britain sends troops to Concord MA to seize the weapons being stored there. The Sons of Liberty learnmed the Bristish plan. Billy Dawes begins the ride from Boston, MA to Lexington, MA warning the British were coming. Paul Revere beings his ride warning that the "Regulars are coming!" Revere and dawes were captured after warning, Sam adams and John Hancock to escape. Sam Prescott rides warning that there are Brtitsh comeing. On April 19th 1775, the first fire was shot, and the fighting continues -
The battles of Lexington and Concord
On April 19, 1775, the British troop were headed to Concord to seize smuggled weapons but are met by minutemen at Lexington, Massachusetts. This battle was important, but even though only eight farmers died, the Revolutionary War had begun! This was called the "shot heard around the world" because the nations knew this war would have a hude impact on the world. The colonists were aware that this was coming so they were prepared.