Road to Revolution

By LolaB
  • Sugar Acts

    Sugar Acts
    Parliament passed the sugar act, which lowered the tax on the molasses
    Grenville hoped that by this the colonist would pay tax instead of smuggling
    The colonist were very angered by the sugar act. They believed this was a violation to their rights.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    people in the colonial cities refused to buy British goods in protest
    Businesses in Britain lost a lot of money they demanded that parliament cancel the stamp act
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    The parliament could make laws binding in American colonies. The parliament had complete power ft the coloines.
  • Townsend Act

    Townsend Act
    parliament passed tax on imported goods, such as glass, tea, and paper. The tax was paid when goods arrived.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    A crowd gather around a soldier. they began throw snowballs and shout insults. More soldiers arrive then the colonist get more angry. "fire if you dare!"
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The British Parliament took control of all trade, and taxed American colonies on tea.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Sons of liberty members dump over 340 chest of tea into Boston Harbor. It caused Problems for loyalists.
  • Intolerable Act

    Intolerable Act
    When King George lll heard about the Boston Tea Party, He realized that Britain was losing control. Parliament had made rules called the Coercive Acts. The laws were made to punish the colonists for "resisting British authority". It forced all colonists to let British soldiers live among colonists.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    Great Britain stated that colonists had to house soldiers in. The soldiers were being quartered in private homes.
  • First Continental Congress meets

    First Continental Congress meets
    All colonies have representatives except for Georgia. They voted Boycott all British trade. The vice president Patrick Henry wanted colonist to unite against Britain.
  • 1000's of Redcoats in Boston

    1000's of Redcoats in Boston
    The thousands of British soldiers of General Gage.
  • Midnight ride of Paul Revere

    Midnight ride of Paul Revere
    Paul Revere rode to Lexington and concord that the British were coming.
  • Battles of Lexington & Concord

    Battles of Lexington & Concord
    The Road went to farm to look for gun powder. Men hiding in the bushes and shot at the Redcoats.
  • second Continental Congress meet

    second Continental Congress meet
    The king wanted to protect their rights so, The delegates included some of the greatest leaders in the colonies. The colonies in London helped repeal of the Stamp Act. The delegates had much to discuss, blood had been spilled.
  • capture of Fort Ticonderoga

    capture of Fort Ticonderoga
    The sons of liberty dressed has the redcoats and stole their supplies and blew up their fort.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The British went to bunker hill to battle the colonists. The colonist had on strong, but failed in the end.
  • Washington arrives on outskirts of Boston with continental troops

    Washington arrives on outskirts of Boston with continental troops
    The men were unorganized they needed punished. They needed more weapons.
  • "Common sense" published by Thomas Paine

    "Common sense" published by Thomas Paine
    Thomas Paine writes propaganda. The colonists wanted to be patriots.
  • British Surrender Boston

    British Surrender Boston
    Washington thinks his army is ready for Battle. The British Retreat and American win.
  • Second Continental Congress meet again

    Second Continental Congress meet again
    Thomas Jefferson wrote a document along with others that created debate declaring independence.
  • Second Continental Congress votes for Independence

    Second Continental Congress votes for Independence
    All of the 13 colonies agreed on voting yes for declaring independence.
  • The Declaration of Independence is signed!

    The Declaration of Independence is signed!
    There was a meeting held and The declaration of Independence got signed.