The Treaty of Paris
- Ends the war
- The British blame the colonists which makes the British tax the colonists more
- British military weakened
- Britian leaves troops in America for their protection
- Starts strict enforcement -Salutary neglect ended -Started searching ships
Sugar Act
- Indirect tax that added into the cost of sugar
- Used to stop smuggling
- Writs of assistance also put into act -Allows officials to search for illegal goods. - Takes away Americans rights and violates their privacy
Stamp Act
- Tax on all printed goods
- Direct tax-paid seperate from item
- Adeed another tax that violated their rights
- This act sparked more colonial resistance
- Sons of liberty formed
- Boycotts
- Smuggling continued
- People refuses to pay taxes
Intolerable Acts
- Cripple Bostons economy
- Gave British officials free reign to do what they wanted because now they can only be tried in Britian
- Ruined the colonists self government
- Takes complete control of town meetings
- Made Americans house British troops
- Other colonies hesitate to help Boston
- Sparks 1st Continental Congress
Boston Massacre
- Tension between Britian and America
- Caused more people to want to rebel
- Changed Americans views on British
- Boston isolated
- More troops in Boston
Tea Act
- British bailed out two companies
- Monopoly
- Sons of Liberty assemble to react
- Cause of Boston Tea Party
Boston Tea Party
- Reaction to tea act
- Men dressed up as natives and dumped tea into the ocean
- $1-3 mil. damages to cargo
- G.B. sees it as threat to British rule
- Sons of Liberty were behind it
First Continental Congress Meeting
- 5 reps. from different colonies
- Asked two questions
- What are our rights?
- How do we defend them?
- Discussed Intolerable Acts
- Boycotts
- More peaceful than the second
- Non- importation agreements
- To enforce the rights they had they put the Comittees of Correspondence into place
- They inspected custom houses to see who broke boycotts
- Blacklisted whoever broke it
- They wanted to avoid mobs
- Almost every colony had one
Lexington and Concord
- Militia forming in MA
- The king reacts
- British goal is to seize leaders and munition
- Bad plan by British
- There were 150 colonists
- 8 militia dead, 11 wounded
- William Daves warned colonists
- Americans hid and moved all weapons
- British find nothing and areno longer secretive
- Americans ambush the British
- 273 British casualities
- 95 colonists died
Declaration of Independence
- Jefferson is the author
- Expresses American needs, liberties, and rights
- Made them ready to fight the war
- Gave them hope