Road To Revolution

  • Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act taxed sugar and lowered taxes on molasses to the British in the colonies. This was a big negative impact on the economy of the colonists because the cost of all imported items went up.
  • Stamp Act

    British taxed paper to raise money for a war. The colonist needed paper because they write their ideas on paper so they take it as British are taxing them on ideas in 1765
  • The Boston Massacre

    Someone threw snowballs at a British soldier and then it turned into a brawl and escalated killing 5 colonists. This gave the colonists a them VS us mentality
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    Gave the British permission to sell cheap tea and made them angry. This impacted them by rebelling against the British army. They also lost trust with the British.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    This was a protest by the colonies against the British. They started by boarding three of the British ships in the Boston harbor and throwing out boxes and boxes of tea into the ocean. They ended up throwing 342 total boxes of tea. This infuriated King George and closed off the harbor and took away self-government until all the tea was paid for. This made the British even angrier.
  • The Intolerable Act

    The intolerable acts were laws made by the British Parliament just after the Boston Tea Party. The law was designed to punish the colonist for their resistance during the Boston Tea Party. Most of the colonists took this as a violation of most of their rights.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    Boston was occupied with British soldiers and the colonists didn't like that so they surrounded them and forced them out. The British wanted to keep control of the city and have the seaport. This showed that their militia could stand up and fight the British army.