Period: to
Sugar Act
The King of Britains goal when he passed this act was to decrease the smuggling of sugar. He also added an indirect tax added to the cost of sugar. At the bottem of this tax he issued the writs of assistance, allowing soldiers to search properties without a warrent. This act was repealed in 1765. -
Stamp Act
The Stamp Act put a direct tax on everything stamped, this made the colonists feel like their rights were being violated, thefore they met with the colonial resistants. This act was repealed a in 1766. -
Townshed Act
The Townshed Act was a tax on glass, paint, and tea. The money made from this tax was used to finace troops deployed within the states. The colonists felt that this act was unacceptable and was repealed after 4 years. -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre was seen different from both sides, The colonists thought Britian fired first, and Britian thought the colonists fired first. To this day we still dont know who shot the first shot, but what we do know is somebody was screaming "Fire, Fire, Fire". The Colonists could have prompted the Britian soldiers to fire upon them, or that could have been the British general giving orders to fire, There is no way of telling who actually caused it. -
Tea Act
The Tea act was a tax on tea. the british east india company was in danger of bankruptcy, they were competition from the dutch, it was a poor investment. So the king made it so they had monopoly. The Sons of Liberty assemble to react. they reacted by throwing the kings tea into the harbor. this is known as the boston tea party. -
Lexiton & Concord
The king issued a secret attact on the colonists to seize their leaders and their munition supplies in concord. but some how the colonists found out, so while the british were stalled in lexington the colonists in concord got ready and moved the munition supplies. when the british arrived they found no weapons. as they headed back towards lexington small groups of colonists picked the british off, around 200 british soldiers were killed and only 8 colonists were killed. -
Declaration of Independents
The Delcaration of independance was written by Tomas Jefferson, it was designed to express american minds. It was passed on july 4,1776. Dickinson refused to sign. This told americans that it was time for war.