
Road To Revolution

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian war. The war was the French and Indians vs. the British. France had lost the war.
    ~ France had to give their land east of the Mississippi River to Britian
    ~ And their land west of the Mississippi River had to go to Spain.
    ~ Spain eventually traded Cuba for Florida with the British.
    ~ Caused a bunch of taxes to be created to pay off the war debt.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    The Sugar Act lowed the taxes from the Molasses Act. The goals were:
    ~ To decrease smuggling
    ~ An Indirect tax (added to the cost of sugar)
    ~ Issued Writs of Assistance (allowed search warrents without a warrent that has a specific location or time of search)
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    This is where people had to pay a tax on all printed goods.
    ~ Direct tax that was paid seprartly from the item
    ~ Ranged from 1c (newspaper) to $10 (diplomas)
    ~ The colonists started to rebel
    ~ Sons of Liberty was created
    ~ Daughters of Liberty was created.
    ~ Colonists started to boycott things.
    ~ Led to the non-importation agreement
    ~ Colonists used violence against the British soldiers.
  • First Quatering Act

    First Quatering Act
    This required the colonists to house and feed the British soldiers when need be. Thecolonists hated the British soldiers and now they had to take care of them and that costs money.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    The British repel the Stamp Act and replace it with the Townshed Acts.
    ~ Tax on glass, paint, tea and more.
    ~ The money was used to finance the troops in the colonies.
    ~ The Colonists thought that this was unacceptable and was repealed four years later.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was used as a form of propaganda and was also used to unite the colonies. Only five people were killed. This made the colonists extremely mad.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    This is where the British made a tax on tea.
    ~ The British East India Co. is in danger of bankrupcy
    ~ Sons of Liberty assemble to react
    ~ Sam Adams leads a bunch of colonists dressed as Mohawk Indians to dump a ton of tea.
    - This is the Boston Tea Party.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    The King has had enough of the colonists outbursts and the Boston Tea Party was unacceptable to him. The King wanted to punish the culprits, but nobody came forward, so he punished everyone.
    ~ 2nd Quartering Act was made to reinforce the previous one
    ~ Mass. Government Act passed
    ~ Boston Port Act passed
    ~ Justice Act passed
  • Olive Branch Pettition

    Olive Branch Pettition
    The continental Congress came together again to talk about what they were going to do. Half the people wanted their independence while the other half did not. The half that did not want independence from England wrote the Olive Brance Pettition basically asking for forgivness and this led to the revolutionary war.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Almost a year after ther Olive Branch Petition was made, the half of the Continental Congress that wanted it's independence, the Declaration of Independence was created.