Road to Religious Freedom

  • Religious Requirements for Voting

    Religious Requirements for Voting
    There were certain voting requirements that restricted people from voting including religion, which impacted the kind of religion that the government was made up of.
  • The Pilgrims

    The Pilgrims
    The Pilgrims left England to have their own faith and they were tolerant of people with other faiths.
  • The Puritans

    The Puritans
    The Puritans left because they didn't agree with the church of England, but though they left for freedom they were not tolerant of anyone who opposed them.
  • Maryland

    Catholics who were persecuted in England immigrated to Maryland and they were very tolerant with all the other beliefs.
  • Dissent in Mass Bay

    Dissent in Mass Bay
    Anne Hutchinson questioned the church and because of this she was banished from the colony
  • More Dissent in Massachusetts Bay

    More Dissent in Massachusetts Bay
    Roger Williams believed in religious freedom, that taking land from Indians was wrong, and in separation of the church causing him to be quickly banished.
  • Quakers

    William Penn created Pennsylvania for the Quakers, who believed in total equality, with the land that the king gave him.
  • The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening
    This new Age of Faith changed the way people looked at religion and religious practices, and one preacher, George Whitefield, really helped this movement.
  • Virginia Statues for Religious Freedom

    Virginia Statues for Religious Freedom
    The Virginia Bill of Rights stated religious freedom for all and separated the church from the government.