Religious freedom

Road to religious freedom

  • Religious requirements for voting

    They had created rules for voting, the 2 requirements to vote were you had to be male and you had to own property, secondly you have to participate in church
  • The pilgrims

    The pilgrims
    The Pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts looking for religious freedom and created Plymouth
  • Puritans

    They had arrived in current day Massachusetts looking for religious freedom, colonised there, and did not allow other religions.
  • Roman Catholics- Maryland experiment

    Roman Catholics- Maryland experiment
    Catholics had arrived in America looking for religious freedom and founded Rhode island, also America signed a document that allowed religious freedom to all Catholics.
  • More dissent in Massachusetts bay

    More dissent in Massachusetts bay
    Roger Williams gets banished from Massachusetts, they found Rhode Island.
  • Dissent in Massachusetts Bay.

    Dissent in Massachusetts Bay.
    When the Puritans had colonised there, they had believed in church and state, also they had not allowed religious freedom and if you did not follow that ,you were banished.
  • Quakers in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

    Quakers in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
    Quakers believe all are equal, they were way ahead of their time, also the Quakers also founded Pennsylvania
  • The first great awakening

    A period when people started believing in church and religion again.
  • Virginia Statutes for Religious Freedom

    Virginia Statutes for Religious Freedom
    Made it to where the state doesn't choose your religion and you can have freedom to choose your religion.