Road to Independence US

  • Period: to

    Indian wars

    Europeans needed lands, they made alliances with Natives.
    But Europeans imported their conflicts onto American soil
  • Limitation of merchants

    The British parliament passed a few acts :
    - Navigation Acts (1651, 1660, 1662, 1663)
    - Hat Act (1732)
    - Molasses Act (1733)
    = only English merchants could take part in the trade with the colonies
  • Period: to

    Seven year's war or French and Indian war

    War over the control of the Ohio Valley.
    British won thanks to their alliance with the Iroquois nation but also their war effort.
    It caused the colonists to have more experience of war & self-confidence, they also plan an American Union.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Englan gained land east of the Mississippi.
    France excluded from Canada and Louisiana.
    British vs First nations of the Great Lakes, first nations lost power to ally against the British Crown. But it encountered resistance.
  • British proclamation

    It limits colonial expansion westward. But because of the growing population there was more pressure for more land.
  • Grenville's new trade regulations

    Huge debt -> British debt = pressure on colonies
    => Sugar Act (04/1764)
    The British government of Lord Grenville = strong custom inspection.
    Raise Crown's revenues
  • Stamp Act

    All printed materials needed a stamp from the British Stamp Office which led to internal tax (collected within the colonies), it affected everyone. "no taxation without representation"
    => British monarchy is seen as an arbitrary government
    => Riots, destroying homes, stamp officials were threatened and resigned by 1775
    Unity between Whighs and disenfranchised.
    the colonists are victorious
  • Pontiac's war

    Won by the British
  • The Townshend Program

    Tax on imported goods from GB : tea, paper, lead, glass
    Internal tax = paid in America
    => Townshend Acts
    => Suspension of New York's assembly = disobeyed the Quartering Act of 1765 (colonies had to supply items to British troops)
    Protests :
    - Letters from a farmer in Pennsylvania
    - Women boycotted English goods
    => April 1770: new English government who repealed Townshend duties except tea
  • The Boston massacre

    British Captain Preston : GB killed 5 American citizens
  • Boston Tea Party

    East India Company bailed out from bankruptcy
    Legal monopoly on tea
    Consumer: tea cheaper
    Colonial merchants = excluded from trade
    It was organized by Sons of Liberty
    Civilians dressed as Mohawks on ships dumped £10,000 of tea into the harbor
  • Intolerable Acts

    It restricts trade (Boston Port Bill), Political & military independence, and Independence of American justice
  • The Quebec Act

    French in Quebec with more land
    Took the Mississippi Valley out of Virginians' control
    Established Catholicism = Americans feared Britain favor Roman Catholisicm