If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
While I was in preschool, my grandmother baby sat me and my brother. One of the first books that I remember reading was If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. -
When I made my mom upset she made me sit down and write the abc's uppercase and then lowercase. I can distinctly remember Christina Aguilera's Come on Over Baby playing from the kitchen. -
1st grade
In first grade I was able to go to a fourth grade class and read a book. I read There's a Wocket in my Pocket by Dr. Suess. -
Older books
My favorite book growing up was called Blaze and the Indian Cave by C.W. Anderson. The books is about a young cowboy who goes out exploring an old cave where natives lived. When he woke up his horse was stolen and he goes on a big chase to get the horse back. -
Harry Potter
While I was in fourth grade, I wanted to watch the Harry Potter movies. My mom told me that I had to read the books before I watched the corresponding movies. -
My favorite book series
Throughout 5th and 6th grade, I read the series Rangers Apprentice. The books are still my favorite series to this day and I hope they make movies out of them. -
During quarantine, my 7th grade teacher had us read a chapter a day of a book of our choice and summarize it. I chose to read the Maze Runner books, confusing at first but otherwise good. -
The Outsiders
In 8th grade my teacher had us read The Outsiders. It was a great book and the movie was even better -
All Quiet on the Western Front
Freshman year I read All Quiet on the Western Front for English. I enjoyed the book and we watched the old movie from the 1960s in class.