Road Map to Personalized Education Plans

  • Period: to

    Employee Awareness

    Repeated topics and additional topics as needed.
    Establish core values i.e. empathy, trust, respect, collaboration and passion (LUNA).
    Review modes of learning (70% Hands-on application, 20% Peer-to-peer collaboration, 10% Formal Instruction)
    Introduce human-centered design (discipline of developing solutions in the service of people)
  • Employee Awareness

    Employee Awareness
    Establish core values i.e. empathy, trust, respect, collaboration and passion (LUMA Institute). Review modes of learning (70% Hands-on application, 20% Peer-to-peer collaboration, 10% Formal Instruction). Introduce human-centered design (discipline of developing solutions in the service of people).
  • Parent and Student Information Sessions

    Parent and Student Information Sessions
    Provide parents with the opportunity to partner with their student and teacher. Review Personalized Education Plan philosophy and structure. Utilizing Khan Academy as support for flexible learning may be of value.
  • Systems Change

    Systems Change
    Integrate the five components of Personalized Learning as described in Promising Evidence on Personalized Learning. These five components are 1. Accessing the Learner Profiles 2. Establish the Personal Learning Path 3. Provide opportunities for Competency-based Progression 4. Develop Flexible Learning Environments and 5. Emphasize readiness for college and career opportunities.
  • Period: to

    Systems Change

    Integrate the five components of Personalized Learning as described in Promising Evidence on Personalized Learning. These five components are 1. Accessing the Learner Profiles 2. Establish the Personal Learning Path 3. Provide opportunities for Competency-based Progression 4. Develop Flexible Learning Environments and 5. Emphasize readiness for college and career opportunities.
  • Period: to

    Parent and Student Information Sessions

    These information sessions will spiral upwards as needs of parents and students change. Beginning students/parents require the original information sessions and those students/parents who are preparing for career and college will access information sessions targeting needs. Parents will partner with their student and teacher. Review Personalized Education Plan philosophy and structure. Access to the will provide an overview.
  • Collaboration Opportunities for Staff

    Collaboration Opportunities for Staff
    Frequent collaboration and discussion opportunities are provided to create time for staff to discuss processes and students. In addition, staff are expected to brainstorm and seek avenues for innovative use of school space and time throughout the school day to provide students with personalized learning opportunities. Integration of disciplines is also another area of collaboration and curricular building.
  • Multiple Learning Opportunities Training Sessions

    Multiple Learning Opportunities Training Sessions
    These sessions are developed to support teachers and staff to learn about the multiple ways in which students may access credit either through online resources, traditional methods, portfolio or project development and presentations.
  • Period: to

    Multiple Learning Training Systems

    These sessions will change as needs of staff, parents and students change. Sessions are developed to support teachers and staff to learn the multiple ways in which students may access credit either through online resources, traditional methods, portfolio or project development and presentations.