
Road Map

  • Employment Begins

    Employment Begins
    Start Employment with the Hueneme Elementary School District
  • Technology Funding

    Technology Funding
    Put in charge of how to spend site money from technology fund to be used across campus
  • New Building = New Materials

    New Building = New Materials
    All 4th and 5th grade teachers receive new laptops, TV's and document cameras
  • Thought Process of MakerSpace

    Thought Process of MakerSpace
    As new technology is integrated, new ideas are sought out. Come across MakerSpace and am intrigued by the concept.
  • Exploration of MakerSpace

    Exploration of MakerSpace
    Visit schools in the Pleasant Valley School District and see their MakerSpaces. Ask questions of teachers and look into research for the possibility of having a MakerSpace at our site. Have conversations with teachers and gauge their interests.
  • MakerSpace in the Library

    MakerSpace in the Library
    Work with librarian and teachers to designate a portion of the library to complete MakerSpace activities in the library. Allow teachers to check out materials from librarian and take to their room if they desire.
  • Closure of 2nd computer lab

    Closure of 2nd computer lab
    Close the school's second lab and turn it into a "MakerSpace" area.
  • Creation of portable MakerSpace

    Creation of portable MakerSpace
    Create MakerSpace boxes that can be checked out by teachers that provides lessons, resources and supplies for teachers to use their room as their own makerspace.
  • Wrench in the Plans

    Wrench in the Plans
    Have to use second computer lab as MakerSpace due to the room needing to be used by our second RSP teacher who starts in February. She will need the room for the entire day and we do not have a designated room for our MakerSpace.
  • Period: to

    MakerSpace finds a Permanent Home

    Explore all the options in identifying a permanent location for our MakerSpace. Several possibilities but want to establish a room only for MakerSpace. Could be our computer lab, where classes can sign up to use it as a lab or a MakerSpace. Could be an extra classroom that we might have opened due to combining other rooms. Could be making the library smaller and using the other side of the library. Several options. Would love to establish a permanent residency for the MakerSpace room.
  • Period: to

    Training and Development of MakerSpace Lab

    Work with district and county office to ensure training for staff. Work within budget to purchase, replace, and replenish supplies for the MakerSpace. Have staff who attend training report back to staff and encourage use of MakerSpace room.