X-Ray Invented
Nurses begin to record genetic data
SourceGenetics and Genomics helped health care industry by helping nurses and doctors understand how genetic diseases can influence others in the family tree or how one might be affected by a drug from previous family member. -
•The U.S. government establishes a national blood collection program.
Florence Guinness Blake
Co authored a couple textbooks for medical students, helping educate a new generation of students. -
Polio Vaccine Licensed
CT Scan Invented
Source CT Scanners make diagnosis proccess easier. -
Additive solutions extend shelf life of red blood cells to 42 days.
Margretta Styles
Advocated for the standardization of nurseing credentials -
Wireless heart monitors
Source As more heart attack victims survive, there is a higher need to monitor these victims for sings of cariac arrest. -
3D Printed Organs
Source3-D printing has affected the nursing industry by be able to create or imitate the human organs with patients genetics. -
100 years ago some of the main jobs done by nurses was sweeping, mopping the floors, and dusting furniture. There main concern was taking care of the patient and making sure they are comfortable and adjusting the environment to their likings. They worked everyday from 7am-8pm except for the Sabbath they only worked between 12pm-2pm. -
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