Rise of Adolf Hitler
He begins to draw crowds in German beer. -
First concentration camp
They opened the first concentraion camp in Dachau, Germany. Within the year they opened nine more -
Mass arrests of jews. Concentraion camps are transformed from detention centers for political opponents to slave labor. -
No Jews Allowed
Jews had no citizenship, took everything from them and kicked jeews out of school. -
Night of broken glass
Mobs destory 7000 jew businesses -
All jews over the age of 10 has to wear a yellow star that says jew on it. -
Polish Jews
Made jews live in overcrowded neighborhoods, 250,000 killed by december. -
Burned alive
19,000 jews were burned alive. -
jews were told to assemble for resettlement, they took all of their stuff. -
Gas chambers
They found this more efficient way to kill jews. -
Exterminstionn plan
Jews are told they are getting put into work camps, they are forced into writing letters back saying everything is ok.