R+J Timeline

By surayha
  • Sunday Morning

    Capulets and Montagues have a brawl in the middle of town and are then discovered and split up by the Prince.
  • Sunday Afternoon

    Lady Capulet,Nurse, and Juliet talk about Juliets love life.While in the meantime Benvolio invites Romeo to the Capulets party not knowing he is a Montague.
  • Sunday Evening

    Romeo goes to the Capulets party in search of Rosaline only to find the lovely Juliet ,both instantly falling in love with one another. Later finding out that they are both from different houses.Romeo also ditches the other Montagues to find Juliet one again.
  • Period: to

    R+J Timeline

  • Monday Morning

    Romeo arranges a wedding for him and Juliet with Friar Lawrence.
  • Monday Afternoon

    The Nurse delivers Romeos message to Juliet ,not long after getting married. Tybalt and Mercutio fight and Tybalt then kills Mercutio. Romeo then killing Tybalt for the death of his friend. Romeo is later banished from Verona walls by the Prince.
  • Monday Evening

    Lord Capulet tell Juliet she must marry Paris.
  • Tuesday Morning

    Romeo wakes up at Juliets and heads out to leave Verona.
  • Tuesday Afternoon

    Juliet goes to the church to confess her sins to Friar Lawrence. Also threatening to kill herself because of the thought of marring Paris. Friar Lawrence offers her a "poison" to make her appear dead so she must not have to marry Paris and go to live with her husband Romeo,sending him a message of their plan. When she goes back to her house she announces she will marry Paris.
  • Tuesday Evening

    Juliet drinks the "poison" Friar Lawrence gives her after thinking about the things that could go wrong with their plan.
  • Wednesday Morning

    They announce Juliets death and go to the Capulets tumb for her funeral. Passing by and being nosey one of Romeos friends, Barthasar, sees that Juliet is "dead" and goes strait to Romeo to tell him the news.Romeo has not yet seen the news of their plan and heads to town.
  • Wednesday Afternoon

    Romeo is in town quickly after hearing the news of Juliet and is now going to buy a poison to kill himself for he believes he can not live without Juliet. After getting the poison he heads to the Capulets tumb.
  • Thursday Morning

    Romeo and Paris fight and Romeo kills Paris.
  • Thursday Late Afternoon

    Romeo visits the Capulets tumb to find Juliet 'dead' and then kills himself by drinking the poison he earlier got. The Friar discovers that the message that was sent to Romeo had never gotten there. He also goes to the tumb for Juliets awakening to find Romeo dead. Later after Juliet wakes she also see's Romeo dead and kills herself.
  • Friday Morning

    Both houses find Romeo and Juliet dead and present the deaths of them to their prince who is very ashamed.
  • Friday

    Lady Capulet dies of sadness.