Fascist Movement
With economic and political instability created after World War I, fascism rose to publicity in Europe, founded by Benito Mussolini. This event led to Mussolini rise in power because fascism gave false hope for people who were desperate, and that is what Italy was full of at the time. With no stable government to look to, people looked to the next best thing; fascism. As the leader, Mussolini had the opportunity to rise to power and "fulfill" the wishes of his people. -
March on Rome
The March on Rome was a march led by Mussolini's National Fascist Party that took place from October 22 to 29. This event helped Mussolini rise to power as it is was led to King Emmanuel inviting Mussolini to become prime minister. This march helped Mussolini gain more support and force his way into power through the people. Without this event, the King would have not gave Mussolini the opportunity to become the leader of Italy. -
Il Duce
Following the successful March on Rome, King Victor Emmanuel invited Mussolini to become the Prime Minister of Italy. This event contributed to Mussolini's rise to power as it was the last step to him becoming dictator. With the support of Italy and now their leader, all Mussolini needed to do now was enforce his rule and power. And that he did with various techniques. -
Death of Vladimir Lenin
When Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks took over the Russian government Lenin began to promote Stalin into higher positions of office in the new Communist government. After Lenin died in 1924, there were two choices for replacement: Josef Stalin and Leon Trotsky. Lenin's death is an important event that led to the rise of Stalin as it gave Stalin the opportunity to run for power in place of Lenin. Without his death, Stalin would still be working for Lenin. -
Mein Kampf
After Hitler's failed attempt at a recreation of the famous "March on Rome", Hitler was sent to prison. In jail, Hitler wrote his book titled "Mein Kampf". This is an important event that led to Hitler's rise as it caught the attention of Germany. Thank to his book, many people who shared the same opinions as Hitler followed him, and those who didn't understand what was really going on, gave him their attention. this allowed Hitler to speak his mind and actually have people listen to him. -
Leon Trotsky is Fired and Exiled
Leon Trotsky was removed from power and expelled from his position as a Communist Party official in 1927. In 1929, Trotsky is exiled from the Soviet Union and is forced to move to Mexico. These events led to Stalin's rise in power as Trotsky was his main rival in running for power. With Trotsky fired and removed from the Communist Party and Russia, Stalin no longer had to worry about losing the elections and could now get the full support of the people to replace Vladimir Lenin. -
The Great Depression Hits Germany
With the collapse of the American economy after the Wall Street crash, Germany suffered greatly, and its democratic government had also begun to come down. This contributed to the rise of Hitler in Germany as the Great Depression lead to desperation for a solution. Hitler took this opportunity to make promises to the Germans, promises that would have them looking to him for guidance. This gave Hitler the opportunity to have their support as he rose to power. -
Enabling Act
After a series of elections, President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler as Chancellor, leading the creation of the Enabling Act. This is an important event that led to Hitler's rise to dictatorship as it gave Hitler the power to pass laws without the consent or involvement of the Reichstag. Hitler now had the power to do as he liked and enforce his views on Germany without interference, and without breaking a single law. Thanks to this amendment, Hitler had absolute power in Germany -
The Great Purge
The Great Purge was Stalin attempt of "purifying" the Soviet Union. It was a period of extreme oppression and persecution in Russia. This helped Stalin rise to power as it dispersed fear within Russia. This helped him keep his people in check and assure that no one would try to get rid of him. With the help of secret police that worked for him, he was able to pinpoint his enemies and anyone that opposed him, and annihilate them. No one would dare defy him after this.