Period: 616 BCE to 509 BCE
Etruscans rule Rome
The Etruscan ruled Rome between 616-509 BCE. The society was divided into two classes the patricians which were the high class who had the right to dicide the king for the nation, they had the right to participate in religious and military events. There were also the plebeians which was most of the nation and most didn’t have much rights and were forced to participate in wars caused by the Patricians. This governmental division caused inequality and not all could decide their laws. -
509 BCE
Etruscans overthrown
In 509 BCE the patricians came to resent the Etruscans and they grouped up to revolt against the Etruscan kings. They eliminated kings and created a Senat to rule for them. The Senat was a group of 300 men that the patricians elected. This turned the government into kind of a republic although it wasn’t as advanced as democracies today. -
494 BCE
The plebeians act out
In 494 BCE after the patricians told the Plebeians to fight in war because they had decided to, the plebeians felt abused and not free, so they left the Roman Empire and camped nearby. They told the patricians that if they wanted them back they would have to make changes in the way the government worked. The Patricians had no army and were in danger, which scared them and they decided to start making changes. Things changed and the Plebeians had say in what could happen in the government. -
451 BCE
Patricians agree
During 451 BCE the Patricians agreed to right all of the laws in twelve tablets so that the patricians couldn’t change them as they needed them to be changed. This tablets were called the twelve tables. The new tables helped the government be more fair so that everyone followed laws they agreed with. -
287 BCE
More rights for the Plebeians
Later in 287 BCE the Patricians agreed to let the Plebeians participate in the creation or rejection of laws for all citizens. Assemblies from all over Rome could create laws. After 200 years of struggles of inequality, Rome can finally say they have equality. This way the Plebeians and the Patricians had equal right to decide why they want for their society.