Rise of the Nazis

  • Nazis was Founded

    Nazis was Founded
    It is also known as the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP). They wanted nationalism and are anti-Jewish.
  • Adolf Hitler and the Party

    Adolf Hitler went to a NSDAP meeting as a spy for the army.
  • The Beginning of Nazis

    Hitler declared himself the leader of the party. He asks help from other group, like the Sturmabteilung, to deal with rivals. His speeches blamed the others for the downfall of Germany.
  • Prisoned

    Hitler was caught and thrown into jail. He was then release in 1924.
  • The Versailles Treaty Broken

    Germany was prohibited to place troops in the Rhineland. However Hitler wasn't concern about it and broke the treaty. Britain and France did nothing to Germany action.
  • NSDAP Gaining Power

    NSDAP was supported by the middle-class, but wasn't welcome in the higher-class.
  • Great Depression

    The Government didn't effectively reply to the crisis. This result in power gain for parties, such as the Nazi Party.
  • Increased Power

    Election for July 1932, Nazis won 230 seats in the government, or about 37.8%.
  • Chancellorship

    Hitler was appointed chancellor by President Hindenburg
  • Restricting Parties

    The Nazis stated that anyone who tried to entered or joined an other party, except for the Nazis party, will be imprisoned.
  • The Reichstag Fire

    The Reichstag Fire
    The Reichstag Fire was an opportunity for Hitler to advance even further than chancellor. Hitler requested for a law that suspend other laws. This law put the public safety in top priority. However, the law was so broadly define that the Nazis took advantage of it by banning meetings, marches and communications.
  • The Enabling Act

    The Enabling Act allow Hitler to rule without interference from the Reichstag (another branch of their government), or to allow the chancellor and the minister to rule the Government. This act was however, rigged by Hitler, who blackmail or arrest other parties member.
  • Concentration Camps

    Concentration Camps
    Hitler authorized the creation of the concentration camps. These camps were to hold prisoners who didn't agreed to the rule of the Hitler and the Nazis (which as well contain Jews).
  • Hitler's Complete Control

    Hitler murdered leaders from the storm troopers. This resulted in the support of the German Army. Then in August 2nd, things turn for the worst. President Hindenburg died and Hitler became the head of the government, controlling the army, government, etc.
  • Four Year Plan

    Hitler introduced the Four-Year-Plan. This plan was to increase the military power of Germany for war.
  • Period: to

    The Czechoslovakia and the Munich Agreement

    Hitler and the Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain met and Hitler demanded the land of Sudetenland. British finally agreed on September 29th. Soon afterward, Germany forces marched to claim Sudeterland.
  • Austria and Germany

    Austria was forced to give power to a Nazis group. The chancellor refused and sought help, but was refused by Britain and France. Able to do nothing, he resigned, and German made Austria parts of their land.