The Beginning of The Nazi Party
The Nazi State came out of the previous German government, the Weimar Republic. The Republic eventually changed into The National Socialist German Worker's Party. At the time it was a minor political party that pushed for nationalism as well as anti-Semitic ideas and made propaganda of it. The Party was fighting with many other political parties to gain control of Germany's government. -
Adolf Hitler Gets Elected into Office
Before he came to office he was a spy for the army, as sarcastic as it seems. He therefore declared himself the Party's absolute leader and as his first decree, he ordered the formation of an enforcement group that would help deal with his enemies. Hitler created many speeches that were publicly well known due to the fact that he blamed certain minority groups for Germany's problems. Even though the Nazi Party hadn't taken over the government yet, Hitler's speeches were a hit with the plebeians. -
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The Great Depression in Germany
Due to the Great Depression crushing Germany, many of the citizen took to more parties that were radicals. During this time the current government (Weimar) didn't handle the depression very well and this caused the citizens to attempt to vote in a new party into the office. In July 1932, the Nazi's won the election by 230 seats, which is the highest number ever held by one party anytime during that period. -
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Austria had created its own Nazi group. The Chancellor at the time in Austria had pushed for a vote for Austria's Independence. Hitler believed that the votes were rigged and told the Chancellor of Austria that if he did not give his power to the Austrian Nazi Party his country would face invasion. The Chancellor had sought the help France and Britain but gained no support. He eventually fell under the peer pressure and resigned as Chancellor. Germany then became one with Austria. -
Hitler Becomes Chancellor Of Germany
As the struggle for power continued in Germany, Hitler began to gain supporters for himself and his party. With his new public status and with his supporter, Franz Von Papen, he been given the offer of becoming the Chancellor of Germany by the former Chancellor Paul von Hindenburg. He happily agreed to the position. -
The Reichstag Fire
Hitler's need for power was not easily met with the Chancellor position. He wanted more power but was controlled by the President at the time, Paul von Hindenburg. It is assumed that Hitler and his supporters tried to get him into office by setting the Reichstag building in Berlin on fire. This building was where the parliament of Germany was held as well as where the Congress meet. But oddly, no one ever knew who set the fire or how it was started, but it is assumed to this day that he did it. -
The Enabling Act
The Nazi Party sent in a bill called the Enabling Act and it was passed with 444-94 in favor of the bill. After the bill was passed, the Nazi party could now rule by decree, by pass the constitution, initiate taxes and basically not have to advise the Congress (Reichstag) in any of those type of decisions made. -
Getting Rid of the Haters
Hitler had found a really "great" way to deal with prisoners that disagreed with Nazi policies and ideas. He had created concentration camps, not the death camps, that were strictly for hard work and labor. Hitler had gained support with the German Army by killing off a leaders of the uncontrollable SA. Then on August 2nd, 1934 Hindenburg died and Hitler decided to take charge with a vote and change the government and he became the sole ruler of Germany with the Nazi Party. He was in control. -
Hitler reintroduced the draft for men to join the army. A year later he revealed his grand plan called the Four-Year Plan, which was introduced to prepare Germany for war. He had recruited more than 900,000 soldiers, 8,000 aircraft and 95 warships by early 1939. -
The Rhineland
In March 193 Hitler had ordered his troops into the "forbidden" mystical land of Rhineland. In doing this he broke the Versailles Treaty. As they waited for the retaliation of other European countries, they realized that everyone else were acting sissies and they ended up doing nothing about it. -
New Foreign Policy
Hitler and the Nazi Party were very concerned about Germany's economic growth and they stress the need for more self-sufficient farming and collecting raw materials. Hitler decided to deal with this problem by using the military to expand into Eastern Europe. -
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Czechoslovakia and the Munich Agreement
Hitler was very persuasive and just as demanding. After he attacked Austria, he went after the Czechs. In Czechoslovakia Hitler makes demands at the Chamberlain demanding to give over their land and conform into Germany. The Chamberlain denied Hitler until he finally gave in, and they signed an agreement (Munich Agreement) saying that Germany could takeover Sudetenland as long as Hitler didn't go any further into the Czech.