Rise of the Nazi Party

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    German Workers' Party (DAP)

    The German Workers' Party was a political party established in Weimar Republic, after World War I. It only lasted from January 1919 to February 1920
  • Hitler joins the DAP

    Hitler has an argument with a proffesor in a bar and the founder of the German Workers' party, Anton Drexler, was impressed by Adolf's oratory skills. He sent an invitation to join the DAP. Hitler had been thinking of creating his own group, but decided to join the DAP because he knew he would be able to become a leader.
  • Hitler creates the SA

    The Sturmabteilung, also known as SA, was essentially the paramilitary of the Nazi Party. It was formed some time in 1920, and helped greatly with the rise of Nazi Leader Adolf Hitler.
  • Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi Party

    Hitler became a regular orator of the DAP, and by the end of 1920, the party reached 3,000 members. The following year, Hitler became the leader of the party, or Führer, and renamed it the Nazi party.
  • The Beer Hall Putsch

    The SA and Hitler launched a coup to overthrow the Bavarian leades and take control of it. However, this operation failed and Hitler was jailed.
  • Hitler writes Mein Kampf

    Mein Kampf is the autobiography of Adolf Hitler, which he wrote in 1925 in prison. It was published on
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    The Great Depression

    The great depression was a long period of time where the world's economy was bad. By 1932, unemployment rates were doubled from 3 million to 6 million. This threw the entire world into chaos, which helped Hitler take power of Germany easily.