Hitler Fights in the First World War
Most people do not know that Hitler was once a soldier fighting for Germany before his extreme popularity and before he was a dictator in Germany. Hitler joined the army of Germany because he was very poor and alone and was looking for a place in the world. Hitler was always facinated in the advances in technology and the thrill of fighting and adventure in the War. -
Germany Surrenders: Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was signed after WWI was over and some believe that it was one of the reasons that WWII started. In reference to Germay it was a peace treaty to end the state of war between them and the Allied Powers. The Treaty of Versailles placed blame of the First World War on Germany and Germany were given various penalties because of their involvent in causing the War. -
Nazi Party is Formed
The Nazi Party originally called the German Workers party started as a relitively small group. This group consisted of Germans who were against the Treaty of Versailles and the Weimar Republic. At the original meeting on October 16 1919 just over 100 people met in a beer cellar in Germany. Hitler delivered a very emotional speech to the group.He slowly became the leader and centerpeice of these meetings. The German Workers later changed thier name to the National Socialist German Workers Party. -
Hitler Becomes Leader of the Nazi Party
Hitler was a leader that gained popularity very quickly because of his outlandish and sometimes extreme rants and tirades against the Treaty of Versailles which pigeonholed Germany. He was appealing to te people because of this. Hitler began speaking in front of much larger crowds and the Nazi Party was coming into form. Hitlers authority was in question when the excecutive commitee formed an allaince against Hitler becoming Dictatorial. Hitler was put up to a vote and got 543 for and 1 against. -
Beer Hall Pautsch
The Beer Hall Pautsch in Munich was an attempt at revolution. This attempt eventually failed. However, the two people who trie to seize power at the Beer Hall were Adolf Hitler and Erich Ludendorff. -
Hitler Tried for Treason
Hitler was tried for treason in 1924 and was put in jail at the old fortress at Landsberg and it was barely prison. He got gifts, got to have people visit him whenever he wanted and had a secretary that recored all of his ideas he said, These later became part of Mein Kampf. -
Mein Kampf is Written
Mein Kampf is a book that was written by Hitler. Mein Kampf means "my struggle" in english. This book was an autobigraphy and Hitler tied in his main political ideologies so he could be understood by the German people. -
Stock Market Crash
When the stock market crashed in America in 1929 there was a ripple effect throughout the world. This crash was the beginning of a 10 year depression in the United States and slowed the process of foreign trade and worldwide events. Since the US was such a world power and had many loans invested in Germany to rebuild it after World War 1. When the stock market crashed the US could not pay germany for rebuilding and it went downhill. -
Hitler Voted Chancellor of Germany
Germany was looking for guidance after the Weimar System was realized to be extremely weak and not able of handling Germany any longer. Hitler exposed the Weimar Republic through propganda that was payed for by the rich. Germany neded a strong leader and Hitler was the option that was a strong leader with specific views for Germany's future. As a result, in 1933 he was voted Chancellor. -
Reichstag Building Burns
The Reichstag fire was an arson fire that the German Government and Nazi Party blamed on the Communists as an act of propoganda. Also, the Nazi's also said that the Communists were plainning an uprising to overthrow the state and the burning of the Reichstag was a way to begin their uprising. However, this was an act of propoganda and nobody actually knows what the origin of the fire was. This was also another example of how the Nazi Party eventually destroyed the German Free Press. -
Nazis Elected to Reichstag
In 1933 the German Federal Election took place. It was between three canidates, there names were, Adolf Hitler of the Nazi Party, Otto Wels of the Social Democratic Party and Ernst Thalmann of the Communist Party of Germany. Hitler won the election with a percentage of 43.91 % votes to 18.25 % votes to 12.32 %. This was the first step into real oppurtunity for Nazis to be in a concrete place of power. -
Hitler Becomes Dictator of Germany
After the election Hitler and the Nazi Party won, Hitler set his sights on becoming Dictator of Germany. This would give him complete control over all aspects of the German Government including no longer having the Reichstag. He could make laws, control the budget, and approve treaties with forgein governments.