Hitler fights in the first World War
Adolf Hitler volunteered for the Bavarian Army when he was 25 years old. During his first engagement, 2,500 of the 3,000 ment in Hitlers regiment were killed and hitler escaped unharmed. He always seemed to escape death or injury when fighting until his luck ran out when he was wounded from a shell fragment in the leg. Hitler was a Corpral during the first World War. -
Germany surrenders: Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles was one of the many treaties that ended World War I. It ended all of the conflicts between Germany and the allied forces. It was signed exactly 5 years after the Archduke of Franz Fernidad, which was one of the causes of World War I. The main point of the treaty was to have Germany accept the responsibility of the war. It also put many restrictions on Germany's military. -
Nazi Party is Formed
In 1919, Anton Drexler, Gottfried Feder and Dietrich Eckart formed the German Worker's Party in Munich. The German Army was concerned that it was a revolutionary group and sent Adolf Hitler, one of its education officers, to spy on the organization. Hitler discovered that the party's political ideas were similar to his own ideas. Over time the mixture of Hitler's ideas and the German Worker's Party's ideas made the Nazi Party. -
Hitler becomes leader of the Nazi Party
In september of 1919, the higher ranking officials of the Nazi Party first noticed Hitler. They assigned him to spy on political parties in Munich for the German army. His magnetic personality and strong speaking skills started to attract people, and by 1921 he was officially the leader of the Nazi Party. He was appointed by President Paul Von HIndenburg. -
Beer Hall Putsch
The Beer Hall Putsch was Hitler's attempt to overthrow the Weimar Goverment of Eber and establish a right wing nationalistic one instead. After this the government had a meeting called the beer hall meeting, Hitler started his plan to take over Munich. After this, Hitler was tried for treason and was sent to jail. -
Hitler is tried for Treason
The trial of Adolf Hitler for treason after the Beer Hall Putsch was not the end of Hitler's career as a political figure as many had assumed. In many ways it marked the true beginning. Rather than denying the treason charges, Hitler admitted wanting to overthrow the government and outlined his reasons, portraying himself as a German patriot thus making himself look like a rebelious figure that people could look up to. -
Mein Kampf is written
After Adolf Hitler was arrested because of the failure of the Beer Hall Putsch, he was charged with treason and sent to jail. During this time of 5 years, he wrote the Mein Kampf (My Struggle). This book contained his strong hatred for Jews and his future plans for Germany. -
Stock Market Crash
At the end of WW1, the United States was very confident, optimistic, and enthusiastic. Since the people of USA were very confident, people took their money and invested in different thing. Many people invested in the Stock Market, mainly because it was doing very well in the 1920s. All of this confidence and enthusiasm came to a screaching hault on October 24, 1929 (black thursday) when stock market prices plummeted. Since this happened many people lost jobs and were living on the streets. -
Hitler becomes Dictator of Gemany
On July 31, 1932 there was an election betwen Hitler and President Hindenburg and after some propaganda Adolf Hitler's socialists party had the majority of the votes. Hitler demanded that Von HIndenburg put him in office immediatly and gave him complet control. -
Hitler voted chancellor of Germany
After what had been a huge tangled web of political fighting and backstabbing in Germany, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933. A person with the ideas that hitler had would not have usually been sworn in, but the pressures of the great depression left people in germany needing and wanting a new leader. -
The Reichstag building burns
The Reichstag building burned down due to arson on February 27, 1933. The government falsely portrayed the fire as part of a Communist effort to overthrow the state. -
Nazis elected to Reichstag
The Nazis emerged as the largest party by far with a large increase in votes. Even though the had a lot of votes they failed to obtain an absolute majority in their own right. The nazi party needed the votes of their coalition party, German National Peoples Party. Since the success of the poll, party leader Adolf Hitler, was able to pass the Enabling Act on March 23 which gave him the power of dictator.