
Rise of Hitler- Cole

By rcole
  • Hitler fights in the First World War

    Hitler fights in the First World War
    Hitler enlisted in the Bavarian Army in 1914 and fought for 4 years and had to stop in 1918 because he was wounded in the leg by shrapnel and was temporary blined by a mustand gas attack. In his time in the army, he was promoted to the rank of Corporal and recieved several medals.
  • Germany Surrenders: Treaty Of Versailes

    Germany Surrenders: Treaty Of Versailes
    The Treaty of Versailes was the peace treaty that ended WWI. The two sides were Germany and the Allied powers. The three most important political people there were Woodrow Wilson, David Lloyd George, and Georges Clemenceau.
  • Nazi Party is Formed

    Nazi Party is Formed
    In 1919 HItler was appointed leader of the German's Workers' Party. His speeches, HItler told his listeners who to blame for the German problems. In 1920, the party changed its name to the National Socialist German Workers Party, Nazis for short.
  • Hitler becomes leader of Nazi Party

    Hitler becomes leader of Nazi Party
    Hitler became the leader of the Nazi Party in 1921, from Anton Drexler. Hitler was appointed by the high ranking officals of the Nazi army.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    The Beer Hall Putsch was a failed attempt at a revolution in which Hitler tried to seize power of Munich, Bavaria, and Germany.
  • Hitler Tried for Treason

    Hitler Tried for Treason
    On November 8th 1923, leaders of the Bavarian government were having a rally at a beer hall before 3000 spectators. HItler walked in, shot his pistol in the air and said that 600 of his storm troopers surrounding the building. Hitler expeceted the spectators to support him, but thats not what heppened. Hitler and 2000 supporters marched to Berlin where he was arrested and convited of treason and sentanced to 5 years of prison.
  • Mein Kampf Is Published

    Mein Kampf Is Published
    The Mein Kampf was written by Adolf Hitler. The book was published in 1925 by Eher Verlag. The first volume's title translates to "A reckoning" was published in 1925. The second was titled, "The national-socialistic movement". The book was a mix between an autobiograpghy and an explanation of his political beliefs.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    The Stock Market Crash in New York left 6 million Germans with out work. Because of the economic stress, support for the Nazia party rose. The Nazi party wins almost all 40 electorate votes in July 1932. At this point, the Nazi party is now the largest party in German parliment.
  • Hitler Voted Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler Voted Chancellor of Germany
    Hitler and and conserative leader Alfred Hugenberg argued over Hitlers demand for new elections. Their final argument was a web of political backstabbing, which ultimatley led to the election of Hitler. Around noon on January 30th, Hitler was sworn in.
  • The Reichstag building burns

    The Reichstag building burns
    The burning of the Reichstag was an arson attack, or a fire that was ignighted on purpose. The fire played a big role in the establishment of Nazi Germany. The communists were blamed for strating the fire, when in actuality, it what Joesph Goebels a member of the German Army.
  • Nazias Elected to Reichstag

    Nazias Elected to Reichstag
    In the 1933 elections, the Nazias had the largest increase in votes from the previous election, leading them to become the largest party by far. But still, they failed to majority in their own right. They still nedded votes from The Germans National Peoples Party. On March 23, HItler passes the Enabling act which gave him power as a dictator.
  • Hitler Becomes Dictator of Germany

    Hitler Becomes Dictator of Germany
    On March 15th 1933, a cabinet meeting was held in which HItler and Goring discused how the Enabling Act would pass through the Reichstag. The act would give Hitler complete dictatorship over Germany. On March 23rd, the newly elected Reichstag passed the act giving HItler dictatorship.