
Holocausts timeline

  • Rise of Hitler

    Rise of Hitler
    Hitler became chancellor in January 30, 1933. After this event happened this allowed the Nazis to take over Germany. Nazi Germany pulled out of the league of nations and went on their own. Not to long after that the Nazi's leaders had a meeting and many ideas including one from Raphael Lemkin regarding a protection plan didn't receive support.
  • The start

    The start
    Between the years of 1933 and 1938 the tension was on a steady rise. After the Nazi's rose to power the Weimar Republic came to an end. With that the Nazi's started paving their stay imprisoning their opponents. Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, others classified as "dangerous," were the first "enemy's" to be imprisoned.
  • The rise of tension

    The rise of tension
    After 1933 everything was going according to the plan of the Nazi's. With other opposing views out of the way the Nazi's stared preparing for their future plans. Brainwashing people through false information, Extensive propaganda, and education, even the kids were part of the plan being trained to fight for Germany. By 1938 any Jew in Germany had felt the pain of over 400 decrees and regulations that restricted all aspects of their public and private lives.
  • Lines are drawn

    Lines are drawn
    In June of 1941 Germany drew lines that no one could ignore after invading one of its strongest allies, the soviet union. Often drawing fire on the people in the streets before advancing into chemical and machine warfare with Russia. With all these assaults' Germany was gaining much mass taking large amounts of Russia and Europe all alike. With all this going on it can be assumed that any Jew in Europe was scared if not fearing for their life.
  • The first invasion

    The first invasion
    After taking parts of Russia and killing mass amounts of any "dangerous" people Germany turned to the rest of Europe. On September 1st 1941 German men invaded Poland. After this event Germany started taking land and making it increasingly harder on all the Jews. Germany made more ghettos, forced-labor camps, and made Jews wear identifying arm beads.
  • Killing Jews

    Killing Jews
    The war continues on with intense fighting on western and eastern fronts. At this time Germany was tormenting Jews more than ever with the final solution plan put into active use. Every week Jews were dying to the poison gas when they are put in the gas chamber. At the end of this year millions of Jews were dead and the numbers were still dropping.
  • The downfall

    The downfall
    After years of fighting Germany is finally staring to hit their end. Jews are still being killed but the axis of Germany is reduces as countries take their land back. On April 30 1945 out of fear and realization that German war is coming to a end Hitler commits suicide. With this berlin and other places fall to the soviet union.
  • End of the war

    End of the war
    The war had now been going on for for about 6 years and the assaults' of Jews since 1931. Finally on May 7th 1945 the war in the west came to a losing halt for the Germans. Two days later the war in the east fail and the allies were soon to follow.