Jesus of Nazareth
He is the foundation of Christianity. He is the son of God. Jesus founded the church. He later died of crucifixion but was raised from the dead. He will someday judge all, living and dead. -
The Great Fire of Rome
A large fire started in the Circus Maximus and spread throughout the city. By the time the fire was extinguished, 10 of 14 of Romes districts were burned. Some historians think that Nero started it so rebuild the city. Nero ended up blaming the Christians for the fire. Others think that the fire started because of the poorly constructed slums. -
Paul of Tarsus
He set the tone of Christianity. He was first to use the term "the gospel" to describe the teachings of Christ. He went around trying to make Christianity the universal religion. He wrote a lot of the Bible and was later imprisoned -
Roman Rule of Israel (begans)
Roman forces led by Titus destroyed Jerusalem. Their temples and churches were burned to the ground. Thousands of Jews died, but the religion ultimately survived the encounter with Rome. -
She was a Christain noblewoman who lived with her husband, son, and slave. Emperor Septimius Severus was determined to cripple Christianity in North Africa (where she lived). She was later arrested for practicing baptism. -
Constantine The Great
Constantine was in a civil war and needed help. He then saw the words "In this sign, you will conquer," in the cross of Christianity. After he won, he wrote the Edict of Milan. It allowed Christians to worship freely. He too then followed Christianity. -
Great Persecution of 303 CE
This event was one of the great persecutions of the Christians. The Roman Emperors wanted to unify Rome through one religion. Many Christians were killed, as well as Christain leaders. Although this was a great persecution of Christians, the religion was able to come back and triumph. -
Battle of Milvian Bridge
This battle was won by Constantine. He saw the words "In this sign, you will conquer," engraved on the Christain symbol. He put the symbol on all his soldier's shields and won the battle. He was so impressed, he issued the Edict of Milan later, making Christianity legal. -
Edict of Milan
This Edict was written by Constantine, and it gave freedom of religion to Rome. It allowed Christians to come out of hiding and worship freely. It established religious tolerance of Christianity, -
He issued the Edict of Theodosius which made Nicene Christianity the official state religion of the Roman Empire. He let followers move freely to other areas. He also built a temple in Jerusalem.